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The nature of speech problem of Bengali children with cerebral palsy and autism- A comparative study

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dc.contributor.author Ferdous, Fahmida
dc.date.accessioned 2019-10-28T06:51:44Z
dc.date.available 2019-10-28T06:51:44Z
dc.date.issued 2016-10-20
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/837
dc.description This thesis entitled in partial fulfillment for the degree of master of Philosophy (M.Phil) in linguistics, under the University of Dhaka. en_US
dc.description.abstract Background: The term Cerebral Palsy (CP) was originally coined more than a century ago and loosely translated as "brain paralysis". Regarding autism it has been suggested that peptides from gluten and casein may have a role in the origins of autism and that the physiology and psychology with language development of autism might be explained by excessive opoid-activity linked to these peptides. Objective: To observe the nature of speech problem in Bengali children with cerebral palsy and autism. Methodology: This descriptive observational study was conducted in Bengali children with cerebral palsy and autism attended in the out in diagnostic and intervention centre of cerebral palsy and autism in Tertiary level hospital, during the study period. Children had a medical diagnosis of CP and autism who 1st time came in the tertiary level hospital and had hearing abilities within normal limits as documented by either formal audiological evaluation or distortion product otoacoustic emission screening of included in this study. But those who received intervention was excluded from the study. Statistical analyses of the results were obtained by SPSS-20. The results were presented in table form of frequency and percentage. Result: Almost three fourth (70.0%) of the CP children were 5-7 years and male to female ratio was 3:2. Most (60.0%) of the fathers and 8(80.0%) mothers were illiterate and majority (80.0%) of the patients came from <20000 taka monthly family income in cerebral palsy. Eighty percent CP children were in first children. Regarding linguistic output in children with cerebral palsy 9(90%) children can understood simple two words meaningful sentence. 8(80%) children did not want to play or make friendship with other children. All children (100%) performed phoneme omission, and substitution occurs when their children articulate words with vowels and consonants in different positions. Almost two third (60.0%) of the Autism children belonged to age 5-7 years and male to female ratio was 9:1. Most (90.0%) of the fathers and mothers 9(90.0%) were illiterate and majority (60.0%) of the patients came from 20000-50000 taka monthly family income in Autism. Lower uterine section was found 7(70.0%). Regarding linguistic output in children with autism, all (100.0%) parents were wondered that their children were not deaf, 7(70.0%) children did not respond to his/her name. Eighty percent (80.0%) children could not identify 4/5 body parts. All children (100.0%) had speech developmental delay. Sixty percent (60.0%) children could not use/her index finger to point, to indicate interest in sometimes, (90.0%) children did not ever use his/her index finger to point, to ask for sometimes, 9(90.0%) children did not have any fluency disorder and 8(80.0%) children could not say name of known objects. Ninety percent 9(90.0%) children could not use pronouns, 9(90.0%) children repeatedly utter words and 70.0% children used idiosyncratic words/neologism. Sixty percent 6(60.0%) children did not try to attract your/other attention his/her activity. All children (100%) did not participate in rhymes/song with other children, 9(90.0%) children did not ever play with symbol and 9(90.0%) children did not take part in conversation. All children could not make eye contact and facial expressions, 100.0% children could not point or look at things with other jointly, and did not smile in response to any activity which he/she likes. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Dhaka en_US
dc.title The nature of speech problem of Bengali children with cerebral palsy and autism- A comparative study en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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