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Exploring the issues of implementing teaching materials and techniques in english language teaching at junior secondary level

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dc.contributor.author Sultana, Sabiha
dc.date.accessioned 2019-10-21T04:25:15Z
dc.date.available 2019-10-21T04:25:15Z
dc.date.issued 2015-05-31
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/599
dc.description This thesis submitted for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Department of Language Education, Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. en_US
dc.description.abstract The use of various teaching materials assists communicative language teaching in the classroom. Such usage accelerates interaction in the classroom. Thus it promotes the use of target language in a language classroom. However, there are a number of issues related to the implementation of teaching materials in English Language Teaching. Keeping in mind the implementation of mainly ICT based materials; this study aims to explore the types of materials as well as innovative techniques used in the English classrooms. It also examines the problems that teachers and students face while using these materials and techniques. Moreover, this study aims to reveal the benefits of implementing supplementary teaching materials. The study is qualitative in nature. All the students and English teachers from schools of Junior Secondary Level (Grade VI-VIII) in Kapasia upazila of Gazipur district was the target total population of the study. Ten English teachers from ten English in Action (EiA) supported schools, five groups consisting of ten students each and two EiA educators constituted the desired sample size. Thus purposive sampling was done for this study. The researcher took up multi-method approaches such as interviewing teachers, students and educators and classroom observation. Data were collected between 1 July to 15 October, 2012 (during the pilot phase of EiA). A structured observation schedule was prepared to observe the English teaching-learning situation in the classroom. Twenty open ended questions were set in the semi-structured interview schedule for teachers. An agenda-based focus group discussion schedule was coined for students. Two EiA educators, who closely observed EiA implementation at the grassroots level, were interviewed separately. The qualitative data were synthesized into a unique form and thematic analysis was followed. The findings from the classroom observation schedule suggested that English teachers use a variety of supplementary teaching materials other than textbooks. They use both audio and visual materials maintaining the relevancy with textbook lessons. Technology (e.g. iPods, Block rocker, Logitech) is mainly supplied by EiA but teachers also use their own materials (e.g. poster, picture, object). The teachers whose classes were observed covered various ELT aspects through communicative activities. Besides, they tried to speak in English all the time and tried to make the students do the same. There were icebreaking sessions, setting the scene for topic explanation, practising dialogues, elicitation, directed writing, group/pair works, role playing, language games, checking students’ understanding of a lesson, gesturing to communicate, monitoring the classroom activities and giving feedbacks. The finding regarding the positives of using supplementary materials identified by students are- materials are needed for better and easier understanding, it makes lessons attractive, students remain on the right track of thinking, they can write correctly, materials induce long-lasting memory and motivate students, materials are specially helpful for the weaker students, students can get their pronunciation correct by listening materials and materials help the learning of complex spelling. From the findings, it is revealed that there are many reasons as to why effective implementation of teaching materials and interactive techniques is difficult. These are- unavailability of materials, very large classrooms and number of students, lack of time for getting prepared for the class, classroom management, problem in operating technological materials due to power shortage and external noises during listening practice. Similarly, sound of activities has to be kept down so that other classes do not get disturbed. Again, teacher selection, maintaining standard of training, problems of conducting teachers’ training and absence of peer teacher for sharing ideas obstruct the implementation of innovation. Apart from that, conflict with the assessment system, lack of government’s support for listening and speaking practice, policy restrictions and material development by external experts play as hindrances. Then again, English teachers blame low level of proficiency of students in English, lack of students’ motivation in speaking in and listening to English and students’ only interests in rote learning and exam oriented study. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Dhaka en_US
dc.title Exploring the issues of implementing teaching materials and techniques in english language teaching at junior secondary level en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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