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Human rights situation of older women: a study in Dhaka city

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dc.contributor.author Hoque, Snigdha Sumona
dc.date.accessioned 2019-10-17T05:59:07Z
dc.date.available 2019-10-17T05:59:07Z
dc.date.issued 2019-10-17
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/570
dc.description This thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Philosophy in The University of Dhaka. en_US
dc.description.abstract This study aimed to determine the human rights situation of older women living in Dhaka city. Both qualitative and quantitative method is used in the study. 8 case studies are done and a social survey among 100 respondents is conducted in the study area. Simple random sampling and structured and unstructured interview schedule is used for data collection. Descriptive analysis is used for the data presentation both in tabular and graphical form. The cases and survey respondents are selected from the upper, middle, lower and very poor socio-economic classes. The case studies show that the older women of upper class, middle class and lower class are in socio-economic, physiological and psychological problems. The older women are neglected from their families by the family members e.g. negligence by her husband, by her children. If the older women are widow, then they are fallen in economical and social insecurity. Those older women that are divorced or their husband got second marriage, faced social and mental deprivation. In total 64% and 27% older women are in age group 60-64 and 65-69 years respectively. More than half of the respondents are illiterate and 95% respondents are engaged with non-economic household activities. About 48% respondents are from lower and very poor group and 37% are from middle class socio-economic group, i.e. 85% women living in vulnerable economic condition. Most of the women (63%) respondents are living in husband’s house, 21% living in son’s house, and only 5% living in own house possessing some influences on rights and security of older women in place of study areas. The majority (62%) of older women are living in non-comfortable rooms. The food, clothing, sleeping management, and medical facilities influence on establishing rights of older women where 50%, 43%, 39%, and 27% respectively are happy i.e. sufficient; 15%, 11%, 14%, and 23% respectively are unhappy i.e. insufficient. In decision making and financial management issues, majority older women (61% and 80% respectively) are following the other family members. As a whole, the older women are in severe situation in terms of basic human rights and social security. If we can assess effectively all prevailing threats and constrains and can implement strategic plan or policies with effective interventions, the older women will be able to improve the human rights situation in Dhaka city and finally within all urban areas of Bangladesh. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Dhaka en_US
dc.subject OLDER WOMEN en_US
dc.subject HUMAN RIGHTS en_US
dc.subject AGEING en_US
dc.subject ELDERLY en_US
dc.title Human rights situation of older women: a study in Dhaka city en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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