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Nutrient composition and medicinal properties of plant foods consumed by ethnic groups in Chittagong Hill Tracts

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dc.contributor.author Begum, Parveen
dc.date.accessioned 2019-10-10T08:29:56Z
dc.date.available 2019-10-10T08:29:56Z
dc.date.issued 2013-06-13
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/462
dc.description This thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. en_US
dc.description.abstract In Bangladesh, the use of traditional medicinal is widespread among most of the ethnic people and village dwellers (IUCN,2011) The use of natural product or natural products based medicine is increasing all over the world especially in the developing countries like Bangladesh, India, China and The Middle East. About 25% of prescribed drugs in the world are of plant origin (Abul Khair et al, 20014. According to WHO, any plant could be medicinal that contain substances which can be apply for the production of useful drugs (Junaid et al, 2006). The medicinal properties of plants are due to some chemical substances that produce certain definite physiological action on the human body (R K Shah & R.N.S. Yadav, 2015). Ethnic people are healthy and hardworking, have less morbidity and higher life expectancy. This may be because they consume almost all of the wild plant and animal foods, particularly those consumed by monkey and birds. This helps them in selecting edible and poisonous foods and thus, makes the natural screening of edible foods. The wilds foods are rich in health promoting nutrients. This study aims to investigate nutrient composition and medicinal properties of selected plant foods consumed by ethnic people. Twenty five plant foods comprising 19 leafy and 6 non-leafy foods were included; particular emphasis was given in selection of the foods, which are reported and using in their different ailments. Comprehensive food consumption survey (CFCS) and Focous group discussions (FGDs) data were used in this grouping. The selected ethnic foods were collected from weekly local markets at Bandarban Rangamati and Khagrachari. Three food samples were collected for each food from every market. Taxonomic study was performed to confirm the identification of the collected foods. In the analysis of nutrient composition, contents of micronutrients and proximate nutrient were estimated employing standard methods. Carotenoid, vitamin C, total phenol, phytate contents were estimated by spectrophotometry, carotene profile and B vitamins were analysed by HPLC and mineral content was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Proximate composition was estimated by AOAC methods. It was noted that Mrolapying (Manihot esculenta Gantz) contained highest amount of carotenoid (9337µg/100g edible); Missayanu (Sarcochlamys) possessed highest amount of both β-carotene and α-carotene equivalent to 5673 and 703.9 µg/100g edible. Highest amount of vitamin C was present in Mori shak (Foeniculum vulgare) (68mg/100g edible). Highest content of vitamin B1 (0.72mg/100g edible), B2 (0.82mg/100g edible) and B3 (5.77mg/100mg edible) were possessed in Mo alu (Dioscorea bulbifera L.), Mrolapying ( Manihotesculenta Gantz), and Fala (Alpinia nigra (Gaertn)) respectively. Kiokokkro (Not Known) contained highest amount of calcium (1338mg/100g edible) and iron (14.6mg/100g edible). Forash dal (vigna grahamiana ) contained highest amount of copper (138mg/100g edible), zinc (3.8mg/100g edible) and phosphorus (382mg/100g edible). In proximate analysis, it was indicated that highest value of protein (23.85g/100g), fat (2.56g/100g), ash (2.41g/100g), dietary fiber (5.06 g/100g) respective in Forash dal ( Phaseolus vulgaris), Kamino (Caesalpinia digyna Rottler), Forah dal (vigna grahamiana), Missayanu (Sarcochlamys).Total phenol content in Kanimo, Missayanu, Mo alu was around 200mg GAE/100g. Phytate content was noted highest (72.18mg/100g) in Forash dal and lowest in Balapata (Pouzolzia hirta (Blume)) (5.09mg/100gedible). In the case of medicinal property screening antibacterial activity was estimated by disc diffusion method (Islam et al., 2002) 10 plants foods were randomly selected for antbcterial analysis. Fourteen strains of pathogenic bacteria (6 gm+, 8 gm-, including bacillus, shigella, klebsiella, E-coli, salmonella, staphylococcus etc.) and antibiotic “Ciprofloxacin” was used as standard in this regard. ‘Kamino’ (caesalpinia digyna), ‘khoro pata’ (cissus repens), and ‘chikipung’ (rumex vesicarius) in fresh extract were shown high sensitivity against all organisms in compare to those in ethanol extract. However, ‘Yangfu’ (feics benghalensis), ‘ozon shak (Spilanthes calva)’, ‘tak begun’ (Solanum virginanum), ‘Kochi amm pata’ (magnifera indica) were also shown remarkable ‘zone of inhibition (mm)’ but only in fresh extract. In contrast, Bala pata (pouzolzia hirta) in both fresh and ethanol extract did not show any sensitivity reaction against all organisms. While screening the hypoglycemic activity in alloxen-induced diabetic mice, the serum glucose level was estimated by glucose oxidize method (Trinder, 1969; Glynn, 1991) using commercial kit [Human, Germany with the help of ELISA plate reader (Labsystem, Finland). Eighty four white albino mice (25-35 gm) each of both sexes were procured from the animal house of Jahangir Nagar University. They were housed at standard environmental conditions of temperature and dark/light cycle, and were fed with commercial pellet diet and drinking water. The animal were fasted for 12 hours before the experiments, but had free access to water. Ethical guidelines in animal handling and use were adequately maintained during the study. Baseline, 0 day, 07 days, 14 days, 21 days and 28 days mean serum blood glucose were analyzed using paired sample t-test in SPSS software (version 17). Among ethanol and fresh extract groups (6 groups: 3 fresh vs 3 ethanol groups of, Kochi aam pata, ozon shak and khoro pata ozon shak and khoro pata were significantly different on reducing glucose level of alloxen-induced diabetic mice. On the other hand, no significance difference was observed between ethanol and fresh extract of Kochi aam pata in reducing blood glucose level of Swiss mice. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Dhaka en_US
dc.title Nutrient composition and medicinal properties of plant foods consumed by ethnic groups in Chittagong Hill Tracts en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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