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Relationship Between Right to Information Act and Good Governance: A Study of Bangladesh

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dc.contributor.author Shafique, Mohammad Saad Bin
dc.date.accessioned 2019-10-10T04:01:56Z
dc.date.available 2019-10-10T04:01:56Z
dc.date.issued 2019-10-10
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/446
dc.description This thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Philosophy in The University of Dhaka. en_US
dc.description.abstract When the world is getting faster swipes with modern technology, the word ‘governance’ is getting deeper in development literature with the adjective ‘good’ being as old as human civilization. Governance is not a new concept. But in the present world where issues like democracy, human rights, involvement of state people echo everywhere good governance is prior to all. Such governance is participatory, consensus oriented, accountable, transparent, responsible, effective and efficient, equitable and inclusive and follows the rules of law. It assures that corruption is minimized, the views of minorities are taken into account and that the voices of the most vulnerable in society are hard in decision making. It is also responsive to the present and future needs of society. For this good governance to exist in both theory and practice, citizen must be empowered to participate in decision making and materializing process. They have a right to information and to access. Hence the world has realized that if want transparency in governance, there is a need to crack the barriers of secrecy in state issues. Free flow of information and ideas determines the most wanted participatory development, democratic governance and effective delivery of socio-economic services. As a result, many countries of the world have enacted right to information act. In that direction government of Bangladesh too introduces a new era of good governance through the enactment of RTI in 2009. When information is the cardinal source of power, citizens are being powerful through sharing and disclosing of it. It can play the role of a catalyst for institutionalization of democracy and control of corruption. It empowers citizens and in return builds responsiveness of their state and its organs, the political parties and leaderships; administrations and other institutions. RTI always demands maximum discloser and minimum confidentiality. The main thrust of RTI is to change the culture of secrecy, red tapism and aloofness of monolithic bureaucracy. Present paper is an endeavor to discuss the major indications- good governance, role of RTI in good governance, relation between RTI and good governance and eradication of corruption through RTI, hence above all strengthening a better governance format. Along with this paper discusses the actual scenario of the implementation of RTI for ensuring good governance. This paper tries to highlights the basic guidelines of RTI act, the issues relating to it and in concluding part, the dissertation provides some core recommendations for successful implementation of the act. So, the research paper can be regarded as an illustration or a wider view on what RTI act and good governance is but how we find it actually and pave the way for a better co relation between the topics. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Dhaka en_US
dc.title Relationship Between Right to Information Act and Good Governance: A Study of Bangladesh en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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