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Situation of Rural Child Labour in Bangladesh: A Study in Two Upazillas

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dc.contributor.author Abu Bakkar, Md.
dc.date.accessioned 2019-10-09T07:54:25Z
dc.date.available 2019-10-09T07:54:25Z
dc.date.issued 2019-04-29
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/442
dc.description This dissertation submitted to the University of Dhaka for the degree of Master of Philosophy. en_US
dc.description.abstract Child labour is a matter of great concern throughout the world. The issue of child labour has been generally perceived mainly as a problem of developing countries including the other challenges such as poverty, high population growth, rising unemployment, natural disaster and so on. Child rights are seen to have deceived at every now and then in every corner of the country. The rural area is cursed for the abuses of child labour. Muradnagar and Debidwar are important upazilla in Comilla district. There are thousands of child workers facing some problems in their work places. The study reveals the exact situation of child labour, a study is under taken in July to September 2016: the main purpose of the study is to carry out the following objectives:- To know the demographic and socio-economic condition, characterise of the children employment, the available facilities of them, identify the circumstances that creat children as a worker, the future thought of the child workers and to provide recommendations regarding the problems of child workers. To achieve these objectives a sample survey has been carried out within the Muradnagar and Debidwar upazilla. The study has found actual situation of child workers in these two upazillas and most important facts are: 42.50 percent of the child workers are of 13-15 years, 33.75 percent are 16-18 years, 18.75 percent are 10-12 years and only 5 percent are below 10 years old. The findings show that mainly 13-18 years old children are involved in child labour. Out of 80 respondents there are 68.75 percent are boys and 31.25 percent are girls. Family bears a great contribution for its children to become a child labour. 66.25 percent mother, 30 percent father and 3.75 percent brother and friends of the respondents encouraged them to go to work. 78.75 percent respondents inform that they have to get themselves engaged in work due to poverty of their family. The finding represent that the rural children are mainly engaged in 7 types of work, as like shop assistant, agriculture, house hold work, rickshaw pulling, brick bearing, boat rowing etc. About 41 percent child workers work above 8 hours a day. In this case, child workers are not paid on the overtime basis as per labour related laws. The child labourer of the rural areas is employed with the salary ranging from TK.1000 or less, some children are employed for food and shelter only. About 20 percent respondents are satisfied about their work, but about 67 percent are somewhat satisfied and 10.5 percents are not satisfied. Only 2.5 percent respondents are highly satisfied to their work. About 65 percent respondents are living in tin-shade, about 25 percent are living in damp and dirty places, and about 2.5 percent are living in here and there. And about 7.50 percent respondents are living in clean places only. About 86 percent respondents get chance to study, but about 80 percent of these respondents can not pass primary level. About 46 percent respondents face abuse in their working places. About 33 percent of female workers face sexual abuse. About 66 percent respondents are pushed to engage them in work by their mother, about 30 percent by their father and about 4 percent are pushed by others. About 21 percent respondents become child labour when their age were 7-9 years, about 50 percent respondents' age were 10-12 years, that is not admissible by any existing labour related law. So, it is urgently needed to implement the National Action Plan for Children properly and timely which will protect the children including rural working children of Muradnagar and Debidwar areas and over all Bangladesh. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Dhaka en_US
dc.title Situation of Rural Child Labour in Bangladesh: A Study in Two Upazillas en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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