This study focuses on various concepts and studies associated with child labor, their socioeconomic issues, and global and Bangladesh perspectives. It analyzes the driving factors responsible for child labor in Bangladesh and the world, The various forms and the nature of child labor in Dhaka city, and the consequences on the life and living of child laborers. In addition, the study explores the child laborer's status regarding socio-economic deprivation, which is considered necessary in measuring the well-being of life. The principal objective of the study is to know and understand the overall situation of child laborers in Dhaka city. Considering the maintained objectives, this study has collected data on overall socio-economic conditions, the nature of work, and the consequences of child laborers involved in eight different sectors. These are motor workshop laborers, Laguna transport helpers, vegetable shop assistants, hotel and tea stall laborers, domestic workers, welding factory laborers, load carriers, and garbage collectors. The main variables and concepts of the study are child, child labor, and Dhaka City. The study is conducted in Dhaka, the most important urban center using a mixed-method approach with a questionnaire survey on 240 child laborers and 10 case studies. Moreover, valuable secondary information has been used from the beginning to the end to make the study worthwhile. In addition, it is considered pertinent to incorporate 30 guardians (both father and mother) and 30 employers of child laborers. The study discusses theories of alternative development theory, population geography: (Demographic Transition), vicious circle poverty theory, household behavior theory, and human resource development theory. The research considers domestic child workers who are 6-18 years of age and can provide data for the study. It reveals that most child workers are between 12-14 years of age. The educational status of the child laborers and their parents is deficient though the children's academic level looks better than that of their parents.
The study indicated that most children were interested in attending school. The study explores that, in most cases, children belonging to poor families involve themselves in income-generating activities and try to meet their needs besides contributing economically to their own families. The employers and their parents also mentioned that financial crisis is the most significant force driving children into the workplace.
The study findings indicate that the main reason for migration is poverty. There is no fixed minimum wage structure for child labor. Most child laborers spend their earnings on family and themselves. That is, they are the principal earners of their family. In the study, wages are considered a phenomenon of monthly payment. Child laborers of Dhaka city are found to work for long hours in unhealthy places. They have no weekly holiday and no specific time for work. They live in slums that are in unhygienic conditions and do not fulfill human rights. The child laborers' parents are involved in different jobs, such as day laborers, construction workers, rickshaw/van pullers, vegetable sellers, cleaners, hawkers, domestic workers, transport laborers, and farmers. The study shows that one hundred fifty-three child laborers are associated with different educational institutions. The remaining eighty-seven child laborers were not associated with any institution. According to the study, child laborers receive medical care in case of illness. A significant percentage of working children consulted local pharmacy salespeople and took prescribed medications. Throughout their illness, their parents paid the bills. Vegetable shop assistants, load carriers, and garbage collectors do not get any festival allowance but get ‘Boksis’ from people. Other child laborers get a festival allowance from their owners, the quantity of which is scanty. The child laborer gets annual leave for a few days. The owners cut off their wages if they are absent from their work for any reason. The study shows that a large number of child laborers are abused and the abuse is the most grievous experience by which a child loses its beautiful childhood and faces physical and psychological damage. Children are abused in a variety of ways- verbally, physically, mentally, and sexually. They have also been mistreated by others. They are sometimes tortured by the police and organized crime. The result also shows that they are abused regularly by the owners. The recreational facilities of the child laborers are minimal. Watching television is the central recreational facility of child laborers. Children are vulnerable to a wide range of problems or hazards, and they suffer biological diseases because of congested, unhygienic working environments. A significant number of child laborers are using drugs out of their curiosity.
According to the study, mental and behavioral issues are more common when children are working. Growing older and leading a lonely, stressful life have the greatest psychological effects. They endure more terrible psychological harm. Many child laborers work hard to fulfill their desires to get better. The study demonstrates that practically all child laborers are unaware of the laws and rights of children. Many guardians are unaware of the legal provisions. On the other hand, employers and guardians have some recommendations for reducing the use of child labor. The majority of employers and guardians agreed that government funding for rehabilitation and child labor prevention programs is crucial. The study made it abundantly evident that, in addition to other factors, poverty is the main cause of child labor. Therefore, the government should play a role in overcoming the child labor issue, and NGOs and civil society should come forward. However, it can be concluded that children in child labor are at risk of physical and mental harm. Child labor compromises children’s education, restricting their rights limiting their future opportunities, and leading to vicious inter-generational cycles of poverty and child labor.