Dhaka University Repository

Contribution of Bangladesh United Nation Peace Keeping Force to Our National Economy

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dc.contributor.author Ahmed, Benazir
dc.date.accessioned 2019-10-03T09:49:25Z
dc.date.available 2019-10-03T09:49:25Z
dc.date.issued 2019-10-03
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/345
dc.description This thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in The University of Dhaka. en_US
dc.description.abstract This thesis in general describes the effect of UN mission on the police department of Bangladesh from both an organization and individual perspective. The thesis has been divided into two papers, which articulate different research questions addressing the issue of UN peacekeeping mission and its impacts from various points of views. The first paper of this thesis utilizes the sample of 700 police personnel (who went to UN Mission from 1989 to August 2018) to find out the impact of the participation in UN mission on the organizational change and financial security & perception of service quality of the police force of Bangladesh. Furthermore, the paper highlights the importance of organizational change in the police force with a view to using the former UN peacekeepers to promote the change in the current trend of organizational process. Specific barriers and factors which have the potential to bring about changes in organizational system and individual integrity of the police force have also been rigorously discussed in this paper. The second paper of this thesis demonstrates the impact of personal integrity and financial security gained from the UN missions to formulate correlation with corruption regarding the jobs of the police force. In the second paper, the correlation between corruption with personal integrity & financial security has been analyzed after controlling for gender, age, educational levels and ranks. This study has focused on the participation of Bangladesh police in the united nation peacekeeping mission with a view to assessing the impact on organizational change and financial security & perception of service quality. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were applied to gather useful insights about the benefits of participation in the UN peacekeeping mission. This study has used some form of statistical analysis such as descriptive statistics, quasi-statistics,and narratives to presents the findings. The findings of this study reveal that the impact of UN Mission works in individual level of changes; organizational changes are also evident after the experiences in the UN Peacekeeping Mission. The standard policing, pragmatic training program, digital working environment, prompt action against the complaint, respect for the profession, strong adherence to time line, structured and integrated working system etc. are very much evident with the UN Peacekeeping veterans. Findings also reveal that the UN Peacekeeping Mission helps to change the mindset of police members and creates the opportunity to ensure good governance and to protect the rule of law of the home country. A strong commitment is developed to the police organization to serve the nation. UN Peacekeeping Mission is a kind of training field in learning sensitivity, sensibility as well as humanity. Learning and adapting new technologies in the UN Mission have a great impact on the overall organizational change. New technologies (Digital forensics, Office It, Drone, most modern communication system, Armor Personal Carrier, advance weapon systems, sophisticated surveillance and operational equipment) help to work effectively and efficiently. Therefore, the key theme of this study is discovering the amount of application of the learning from the UN Peacekeeping mission to bring about a positive organizational change in the police service of Bangladesh. In such perspective, the responsibility of the home police service is just to support and sponsor the change. Alignment of proper learning from the UN Peacekeeping Mission with the proper application of that learning in the own country can be a great asset for the country. The UN compensation rates for peacekeeping operations are attractive to Bangladeshi soldiers and police. The incomes they derive from the mission invest in different asset making activities. Among potential area of investment, land purchase ranked top as the key investment area to both male and female former UN peace keepers. Findings reveal that 46% male and 47% female have invested their income from UN Peace Keeping Mission in land purchase. Saving account is the second key area of investment of their income. 23% male and 26% female peace keeper have opened saving account by their peace keeping mission income. Perception about financial security across gender is showing that 71% male and 69% female think that the peacekeeping mission enhanced their financial security. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.publisher University of Dhaka en_US
dc.subject United Nation en_US
dc.subject Peace Keeping Mission en_US
dc.subject Organizational Change en_US
dc.subject standard policing and Bangladesh police en_US
dc.title Contribution of Bangladesh United Nation Peace Keeping Force to Our National Economy en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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