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Management of suicidal attempts among teenagers: a family-based approach

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dc.contributor.author Mondol, Md.Ashadujjaman
dc.date.accessioned 2024-03-07T04:20:37Z
dc.date.available 2024-03-07T04:20:37Z
dc.date.issued 2024-03-07
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.library.du.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/xmlui/handle/123456789/3060
dc.description Thesis submitted to the Department of Clinical psychology University of Dhaka in fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of MPhil in Clinical Psychology. en_US
dc.description.abstract The purpose of the present study was to explore family-based management of teenage suicidal attempts. Research question was ‗what are the critical roles of family for the management of teenagers‘ suicide attempts?' The specific objective of the study were to understand the reason of teenage suicide attempt according to teenagers and their parents, to identify the role that family members play in dealing with teenage suicide attempts and to identify the management strategies. Total of eight participants, including parents were selected as samples in different areas of Dhaka division. A purposive sampling method was used to select the sample. The phenomenology approach of qualitative research approach was followed where the case study method was chosen. The study focused on only a few cases and analyzed their accounts in depth. Ethical concerns were taken into account. These interviews were conducted individually once permission was obtained. The responses of participants were fully anonymous and confidential, and were only used for research purposes. The general instructions were provided each participant separately. Participants were encouraged during interview if they have any worries. Participants were given the opportunity to ask questions and share their experiences at the end of the interview. First objective of the research was to understand the reasons behind teenage suicide attempts.‘ Several reasons for teenage suicide attempts were discovered throughout the investigation. All reasons behind teenage suicide attempts were classified into two factors namely: predisposing factors and contextual factors. Finding of the study showed that the teenage suicide attempts might be predispose by family history of suicide or suicide attempt, temperament or personality factors, and mental health or psychological issues. The study revealed that reasons of teenage suicide attempts might be contextualized by parent-child interaction, exposure to family problems, parental and family stress, availability of social support, and poor coping skills. Previous research also supported by our research finding that is youth causes consists of a constellation of components that act together and include a variety of biological, psychological, and social factors, including familial and other contextual factors(Bilsen., 2018). The second objective of the study was to explore the role that family members can play in dealing with teenager suicide attempts. It was found that realistic expectations from parents, trust worthy relationship between teenagers and parents, increased emotional support, flexible attitude of parents, understanding teenager emotions, reducing blame, good behavior, love and care, opportunity to give communication or sharing, spending quality time, protect from sexual abuse, being aware of physical and mental changes, talking about suicide, working on a teenager's romantic relationship, controlling parental anger, reducing parental conflict are all found to be beneficial. Our research finding is support by previous search that is high parental expectations on both academic performance and depression of adolescents. It also explored whether these relationships could be mediated through adolescents‘ value of academic success, self-efficacy, and supports from parents and school (Ying et al., 2018). The third objective of the study was to identify the family-based management strategy‖. This family-based approach to teenage suicide attempts management is centered on determining the root cause of teen suicide attempts. It was revealed from the interview several factors play important role in managing teenage suicide attempts such as good communication skills, increasing quality time between child and parent, increasing emotional support for teenage, understanding children need, increasing problem-solving skills or decision-making skills in children, decreasing parental conflict, increasing secure attachment, limits and rules, abuse protection, and medication. Our research finding is also support by previous research that is effective communication and supportive family relationships can help safeguard a family member against suicide, regardless of the existence of other risk factors. Promotion of family cohesion, flexibility, expressiveness could protect from developing depression, hopelessness, anxiety, and suicide behavior (Ahookhosh et al., 2017; Gouveia-Pereira et al., 2014). Another research found that a supportive family environment, healthy relationships among the family members, and open communication may help prevent suicidal behaviors (Edwards et al., 2021). For this research finding we proposed teenage suicide management plan. we propose family based management of teenage suicide attempts, individual management and professional management. Previous research support our management plan that is problem-solving, empathic parenting, self-regulation skills, cognitive, behavior management, family-based crisis intervention help to prevent suicide attemtps(Sullivan et al., 2021). The current study, however, has certain limitations, including a limited sample size and geographical location. All respondent were residing in the Dhaka division. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher ©University of Dhaka en_US
dc.subject suicide attempt en_US
dc.subject teenager en_US
dc.subject family based approach en_US
dc.title Management of suicidal attempts among teenagers: a family-based approach en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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