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Origin and Development of Political Islam in Bangladesh (1971-2013)

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dc.contributor.author NURULLAH, MOHAMMAD
dc.date.accessioned 2023-11-23T06:53:16Z
dc.date.available 2023-11-23T06:53:16Z
dc.date.issued 2023-11-23
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.library.du.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/xmlui/handle/123456789/2811
dc.description Thesis Submitted for the Award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in ISLAMIC STUDIES. en_US
dc.description.abstract Islam is a complete code of life in both literal and theoretical dimensions. It covers every aspect of human life. Islam provides a unique route for humans from the beginning of their existence to the end of their lives in the hereafter. All of the little details of human life are covered in great detail in Islamic teachings. Islam's precepts even specify how a man should interact with wild animals. As a Muslim, what is his duty and responsibility are clearly stated in the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah.The way of Islam entirely suggests how an individual can lead himself to a superior-conclusion in his surroundings. The Islamic way of life addresses various social affairs, such as marriage, education, gossiping, and networking. The Islamic economic system prioritizes people's income, expenditure, employment, and necessities. Beyond people's daily lives, the Islamic way of life also discusses foreign affairs, where diplomatic contacts, spying, and signing treaties are the key issues. The discussion of the Islamic political system, sometimes known as political Islam, is heavily influenced by Islamic beliefs. If politics is often associated with power, all Prophets in Islam exercised power in their respective eras. Prophets frequently called people to Allah's way, and they announced that they would be obedient to Allah and follow Allah's instructions. Prophet, as Allah's representative, directed humanity following Allah's will. This Prophetic leadership and direction are like the ruler's power exercised in the modern political system. The main distinction between the political systems of the Prophets and those of today is that the Prophets were not only representatives of the general public but also of Almighty Allah. From this perspective, the Prophets guaranteed that Allah's will guided the wellbeing of the people. In today's political system, however, rulers are merely representatives of the people, attempting to ensure that people's wellbeing is guided by their own (manmade) policies and regulations. As a result, public welfare is frequently hampered since these policies depart from timeless truths. Modern states are barely successful in ensuring people's wellbeing due to the absence of divine ideals and principles in the governmental system. However, some countries that want to dominate their people using Islamic ideas lack the fundamental principles of Islam. Pertaining to this background, this study explores the genesis and development of Political Islam in the context of Bangladesh. This study mainly follows the qualitative research method to satisfy the study objectives. Qualitative research aims to collect data in detail to understand human behaviour. Initially, the concept of Political Islam is elucidated through Islamic sources, i.e. al Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, and classical Islamic scholars' views. Then, a comparative study on political Islam is highlighted to accurately present the way of work in this thesis. This study undertook Islamic scholars' interviews to know the phases of Islamic political practices done by the different rulers in their political regimes in Bangladesh. The historical research method is the prime method for this work. Besides, books, journal articles, unpublished thesis, and other authentic resources of relevant literature are taken as the secondary sources for carrying out the research work. The study findings show the prevalence of Political Islam in the historical journey of Bangladesh. Besides, the political regimes significantly witness the practice of Political Islam in administering the governments. Even the notion and exercise of the Political Islam are put in the constitution of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. Consequently, Islamic political practices in the contours of state and society have become a significant feature in the context of Bangladesh. Sometimes, Political Islam-laden terrorist activities the country Bangladesh experiences within the actions of the political parties. Therefore, it brings immense misery to the people of Bangladesh. Moreover, Political Islam seems to replace the secular values in the context of Bangladesh. Thus, the study suggests a people-oriented political system that will be free from extremism. Therefore, the practice of Political Islam will be the key to leading the majority Muslim-inhabited country, Bangladesh. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher ©University of Dhaka en_US
dc.title Origin and Development of Political Islam in Bangladesh (1971-2013) en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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