The present study examined the effectiveness of transactional analysis therapy on
reducing depression and improving marital adjustment of couples. The hypothesis was receiving
transactional analysis therapy would reduce depression and increase marital adjustment among
married couples. The independent variable was transactional analysis therapy and the dependent
variables were depression and marital adjustment scores. The sample included 20 Bangladeshi
married couples, who were selected through opportunistic basis from a psychiatric clinic of
Dhaka city. Depression Scale and Locke Wallace -marital adjustment questionnaire were used to
measure depression level and marital adjustment level of the participants. A repeated measure
design was followed without control group. The pretest-posttest measured before and after 11
counseling sessions and the 12
number session was follow up session. The follow up session
measured after one month of termination period in counselling. The results have shown that there
was a statistically significant difference (F = 282.65, p< 0.00) in marital adjustment score of
participants over the three time periods and pair wise comparisons indicate that there was
significant difference between pretest and post-test and also between pretest and follow- up test
at the 0.05 level. Results also have shown that, there was statistically significant difference (F =
359.26, p< 0.00) in depression score of participants over the three time periods and pair wise
comparisons also indicate that there was significant difference between pretest and post-test and
also between pretest and follow- up test at the 0.05 level. This implied a significant positive
impact of transactional analysis therapy on depression and marital adjustment.