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Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Environmental Education among Primary School Students in Bangladesh

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dc.contributor.author SADEK, MOHAMMAD ASHRAF
dc.date.accessioned 2023-07-26T04:43:32Z
dc.date.available 2023-07-26T04:43:32Z
dc.date.issued 2023-07-26
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.library.du.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/xmlui/handle/123456789/2453
dc.description This dissertation submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. en_US
dc.description.abstract The study focused on the level of primary school students‘ knowledge, attitude, and practice of Environmental Education (EE) in Bangladesh. The study was based on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) survey in the light of national and international research done on EE and education for sustainable development and policy here in Bangladesh. The study is quantitative in nature, adopting quantitative data. The data was collected from 16 main stream government secondary schools in four different regions in Bangladesh. The study sample was consisted of 480 primary graduates and promoted to grade VI. The data was collected through interview. A semi-structured questioner for this study was developed based on KAP model, focusing on students‘ knowledge, attitude and practices regarding EE. While the development of tools emphasis was given to the curriculum of primary education and terminal competencies related to EE at primary level in Bangladesh. Moreover, a pair of experts on EE was interviewed to collect in-depth information as well as ensuring validity and reliability of the collected data from students and findings of the study. To assess KAP level regarding EE a composite score was developed by accumulating total score and classified into four groups as Excellent, Good, Average and Poor for knowledge; Highly favorable, Favorable, Moderately favorable and Limited favorable for attitude; while Highly competent, Competent, Moderately competent and Limited competent for practice using respective range boundaries individually. The study showed that a total of 17.10 percent students were denoted as excellent in knowledge regarding EE. On the other hand a total of 34.40 percent, 32.50 percent and 16.00 percent students had good, average and poor knowledge regarding EE respectively. In case of attitude level regarding EE, the study showed that a total of 54.60 percent students showed a favorable attitude towards EE. On the other hand, a total of 9.20 percent, 24.20 percent and 12.10 percent students showed a highly favorable, moderately favorable, and limited favorable attitude towards EE respectively. Finally, in case of practice level, the study showed that a total of 17.10 percent students were highly competent regarding EE practices. On the other hand a total of 23.30 percent, 46.90 percent and 12.70 percent students were competent, moderately competent and limited competent regarding EE practices respectively. The study also showed that there were a variations within and in-between regions and gender resulted in respect of KAP regarding EE. The study showed that in respect of excellent knowledge level regarding EE, urban students were in the leading position compared to the other students of rural, hilly and coastal areas of Bangladesh; but at the good knowledge level, hilly students were in the leading position consistead a total of 50.00 percent. At the poor level of knowledge regarding EE rural students were in the worst position compared to other regions. In case of highly favorable and favorable attitude level, urban students were in the leading position compared to the students of other regions. At the moderately favorable attitude coastal students were in the leading position; while at the limited favorable attitude rural students were in the worst position compared to the students of other regions. Finally, in case of practice, at the both highly competent and moderately competent level regarding EE, hilly students were in the leading position compared to the students of other regions. At the competent practice level urban students were in the leading position and at the limited competent level, rural students were in the worst position compared to the students other regions. On the other hand, at the knowledge and attitude criterion boys were in the leading position compared to girls; but in practice girls were in the leading position rather than boys. The coefficients developed by regression statistical techniques where practice was dependent variable, and knowledge and other hand, a total of 9.20 percent, 24.20 percent and 12.10 percent students showed a highly favorable, moderately favorable, and limited favorable attitude towards EE respectively. Finally, in case of practice level, the study showed that a total of 17.10 percent students were highly competent regarding EE practices. On the other hand a total of 23.30 percent, 46.90 percent and 12.70 percent students were competent, moderately competent and limited competent regarding EE practices respectively. The study also showed that there were a variations within and in-between regions and gender resulted in respect of KAP regarding EE. The study showed that in respect of excellent knowledge level regarding EE, urban students were in the leading position compared to the other students of rural, hilly and coastal areas of Bangladesh; but at the good knowledge level, hilly students were in the leading position consistead a total of 50.00 percent. At the poor level of knowledge regarding EE rural students were in the worst position compared to other regions. In case of highly favorable and favorable attitude level, urban students were in the leading position compared to the students of other regions. At the moderately favorable attitude coastal students were in the leading position; while at the limited favorable attitude rural students were in the worst position compared to the students of other regions. Finally, in case of practice, at the both highly competent and moderately competent level regarding EE, hilly students were in the leading position compared to the students of other regions. At the competent practice level urban students were in the leading position and at the limited competent level, rural students were in the worst position compared to the students other regions. On the other hand, at the knowledge and attitude criterion boys were in the leading position compared to girls; but in practice girls were in the leading position rather than boys. The coefficients developed by regression statistical techniques where practice was dependent variable, and knowledge and other hand, a total of 9.20 percent, 24.20 percent and 12.10 percent students showed a highly favorable, moderately favorable, and limited favorable attitude towards EE respectively. Finally, in case of practice level, the study showed that a total of 17.10 percent students were highly competent regarding EE practices. On the other hand a total of 23.30 percent, 46.90 percent and 12.70 percent students were competent, moderately competent and limited competent regarding EE practices respectively. The study also showed that there were a variations within and in-between regions and gender resulted in respect of KAP regarding EE. The study showed that in respect of excellent knowledge level regarding EE, urban students were in the leading position compared to the other students of rural, hilly and coastal areas of Bangladesh; but at the good knowledge level, hilly students were in the leading position consistead a total of 50.00 percent. At the poor level of knowledge regarding EE rural students were in the worst position compared to other regions. In case of highly favorable and favorable attitude level, urban students were in the leading position compared to the students of other regions. At the moderately favorable attitude coastal students were in the leading position; while at the limited favorable attitude rural students were in the worst position compared to the students of other regions. Finally, in case of practice, at the both highly competent and moderately competent level regarding EE, hilly students were in the leading position compared to the students of other regions. At the competent practice level urban students were in the leading position and at the limited competent level, rural students were in the worst position compared to the students other regions. On the other hand, at the knowledge and attitude criterion boys were in the leading position compared to girls; but in practice girls were in the leading position rather than boys. The coefficients developed by regression statistical techniques where practice was dependent variable, and knowledge and other hand, a total of 9.20 percent, 24.20 percent and 12.10 percent students showed a highly favorable, moderately favorable, and limited favorable attitude towards EE respectively. Finally, in case of practice level, the study showed that a total of 17.10 percent students were highly competent regarding EE practices. On the other hand a total of 23.30 percent, 46.90 percent and 12.70 percent students were competent, moderately competent and limited competent regarding EE practices respectively. The study also showed that there were a variations within and in-between regions and gender resulted in respect of KAP regarding EE. The study showed that in respect of excellent knowledge level regarding EE, urban students were in the leading position compared to the other students of rural, hilly and coastal areas of Bangladesh; but at the good knowledge level, hilly students were in the leading position consistead a total of 50.00 percent. At the poor level of knowledge regarding EE rural students were in the worst position compared to other regions. In case of highly favorable and favorable attitude level, urban students were in the leading position compared to the students of other regions. At the moderately favorable attitude coastal students were in the leading position; while at the limited favorable attitude rural students were in the worst position compared to the students of other regions. Finally, in case of practice, at the both highly competent and moderately competent level regarding EE, hilly students were in the leading position compared to the students of other regions. At the competent practice level urban students were in the leading position and at the limited competent level, rural students were in the worst position compared to the students other regions. On the other hand, at the knowledge and attitude criterion boys were in the leading position compared to girls; but in practice girls were in the leading position rather than boys. The coefficients developed by regression statistical techniques where practice was dependent variable, and knowledge and attitude were independent variables which was significant in respect of KAP (R2=.705, adjusted R2=.703, and p =.000). Pearson correlation (1-tailed) showed that there were low degree correlation (r1 = .098; r2 =.233 and r3 = .132) among KAP regarding EE. By calculating an ANOVA and a group statistic using P=0.05, it was found that there is no significant difference among knowledge, attitude and practices regarding EE of primary graduates in Bangladesh. On the basis of the findings of the study, it was concluded that the respondents expressed variations in their perceptions to EE, and showed different attitudes towards environment, and also reflected a large variations in practices of environment related activities in terms of gender and region perspective. This study recommended several initiatives for up-grading the students‘ KAP level regarding EE based on the findings. The major initiatives that need to be taken are- EE should be linked certainly within the primary education curriculum in Bangladesh; EE should be introduced largely in primary education through introducing child-friendly contents; teachers‘ pedagogical knowledge and skills should be enhanced specifically on EE; awareness of parents, teachers and education officials on EE should be developed; strong relationship among school, family and community need to be created to ensure students‘ learning and practicing EE. More importantly, this study recommended developing children‘s values to practice their learning of EE in real life context. Finally, strategic policy needs to be taken for effective implementation of the existing laws at school, family and the community as a whole. In addition, media needs to be more active in creating awareness of the mass people through developing and disseminating more programs related to EE. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher ©University of Dhaka en_US
dc.title Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Environmental Education among Primary School Students in Bangladesh en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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