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Scope of Developing Writing Skill in the Textbook and its Practices in the Classroom at Primary Level in Bangladesh

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dc.contributor.author Hossain, Kazi Faruk
dc.date.accessioned 2023-04-02T04:01:47Z
dc.date.available 2023-04-02T04:01:47Z
dc.date.issued 2023-04-02
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.library.du.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/xmlui/handle/123456789/2273
dc.description This thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy. en_US
dc.description.abstract Language is the medium of communication. In the reality of 21st century, peoples’ need to acquire communication skills in a language that will enable them to present themselves in the global stage and strengthen their position as global citizens. English is just such an international language that gives a citizen irrespective of the country he/she belongs, the communication skills in this age of globalization. Like every language, English language has four particular skills and writing skills is one of the most complex and productive skills among all four skills of English language. As a foreign language, in Bangladesh, the learners have difficulties in writing like other skills of English language as explored in previous studies. Formal education is a good platform to develop learners’ skills of any particular language through practice. Formal education operates according to the curriculum guidelines. Textbook are being used in the classroom for teaching-learning as a main teaching material which are developed according to the curriculum. Classroom practices using curricular materials are the best platform to develop learners’ English language skills and writing skills in particular. Hence, the curriculum, curricular materials and the classroom practices must be well developed and aligned to develop quality writing skills. The present EfT textbook are developed according to the national curriculum which was developed in 2012 and the textbook according. Therefore, the key concern of this study is to explore the scopes incorporated in the existing primary level EfT textbook for developing writing skills as well as the classroom practices of writing skills at the primary level education of Bangladesh. The study was conducted in mixed method research approach following the Parallel research design. Both qualitative and quantitative data have been collected from both primary and secondary sources for the study. The primary sources of data were the classrooms, teachers, and students. The grade-V English curriculum, textbook, Teachers’ edition and previous studies were analyzed for secondary data of the study. Both, random, purposive and stratified sampling techniques were followed in the study. Primary data have been collected using classroom observation checklist, semi-structured interview questionnaire, FGD agenda, assessment test questionnaire and the secondary data was collected using the document analysis checklist. The collected data has been analyzed following the concurrent research design method. viii Analysis of the data reveal that, the primary level grade-V EfT textbook is developed according to the guideline of the grade-V English curriculum. The curriculum components are prescribed but the teaching-learning and evaluations strategies needed to mention separately. The textbook is articulated with controlled, guided and free writing exercises but most of them are control writing. The LOs aren’t prescribed in the textbook along with the lessons. Product approach of writing are mostly prescribed rather than other writing approaches. Only pair-work and group-work strategies are mentioned in the textbook. The strategies of teaching-learning of writing skills are not mentioned separately except planned activities in the curriculum and even in the Teachers’ Edition. Positive classroom practices of writing like, helping learners during writing, provide feedback towards writing avoiding fears of mistakes, exercising various writing items, engage in collaboration work in writing and assessment etc. are observed. Besides, teachers’ limitation, unfavorable classroom environment, limitation of hardwires, limitations in the textbook, lack of training, poor monitoring and feedback practices are explored as the barriers of writing skills practices at the classroom. Besides, parents’ illiteracy in English, poor socio-economic status, busy schedule, unawareness etc. are the major limitations of the families. Some learners get support from their elder brother or sister, nearby seniors and some of them from the house tutors. But many of them could not get that support. The performance of the learners in writing were explored in different items and the result are found mostly average and below average level. Based on the findings, the study came up with some recommendations in all aspects of textbook development including suggestions for the curriculum and TE developers, teaching writing skills in the classroom and beyond. Participations of the teachers during the development of the teaching materials are recommended to ensure its feasibility and applicability. Training on overall teaching skills and for writing skills in particular is recommended. The physical getup of the classroom, the hardware facilities should be ensured. Besides, it has been recommended to strengthen family support as parents’ consciousness about the care of their children’s education at home also crucial for the development of writing skills. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher ©University of Dhaka en_US
dc.title Scope of Developing Writing Skill in the Textbook and its Practices in the Classroom at Primary Level in Bangladesh en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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