City reflects a country’s overall status. The socioeconomic development of
any nations are generally citycentric. But lack of plans and management city
governments are mostly failed to ensure required services to her dwellers.
Decentralization and accountability is the prerequisite to execute an effective
city governance. Local government in Bangladesh is mainly focused on rural
development issue rather urban area. Lack of opportunities, low rate of growth
and investment, less income generating activities forced people come to city
areas for a better life from the villages. In Bangladesh most of the people are
centering at Dhaka than any other cities at all. So the presser to Dhaka is
really high. No matter how much separation has been done to improve city
service rather than commitment in process with technology based
decentralization. As Dhaka City Corporation can not manage its existing city
dwellers, it is really difficult to manage the extra pressers added in every
single moment of each and every day. The power of local government
agencies has needed to be accumulated in Bangladesh for more future growth
and development purposes. Urban local bodies need to be reformed for more
existence and reduction of central control with the aim to extent of public
participation. The review of the decentralization process and associated macro
dimensions pointed to be accommodated within a comprehensive
decentralization agenda for entire system, such as a local body Dhaka City
Corporation may try to ensure all city services after separation in two
administrative parts.