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dc.contributor.author Al Mamun, Abdullah
dc.date.accessioned 2022-01-31T07:04:22Z
dc.date.available 2022-01-31T07:04:22Z
dc.date.issued 2022-01-31
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.library.du.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/xmlui/handle/123456789/1824
dc.description This dissertation Submitted to the Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies University of Dhaka In fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. en_US
dc.description.abstract The major emphasis of the research was to identify the different institutional interventions available in response to impact of variability and climate change in connection to crop production. The study also focuses on socio-economic condition, coping strategy, relationship between climate change and crop production. The study was conducted in two areas, Dacope in Khulna and Shyamnagar under Satkhira district. Eight villages, 4from each Upazila were selected randomly which had a total population of 5087.Using proportionate random sampling method from different strata of the social system a total of 299 farmers were selected for the study. Both primary and secondary sources were used in conducting the study. Data were collected using both quantitative and qualitative methods between January to June 2017. The different methods applied for data collection included face to face interview; key informant interviews (KII), focus group discussion, and case studies using structured, semi-structured questionnaire and checklists. Both descriptive such as number, percent, frequency, range, mean, standard deviation, rank order and co-efficient variance and inferential statistics such as, Chai-square, correlation and regression, multivariate regression analyses (Logit model) were computed for interpretation of data. In addition, trend analysis (Mann Kandall, Sen’s slope, seasonal analyses, seasonality index, precipitation concentration index,) was engaged. In conducting statistical analysis SPSS (statistical package for social science version 22) was used. The seasonal variation and change of rainfall and temperature during Rabi, Kharif 1 and Kharif 2 was studied. The secondary data in respect to temperature and rainfall was studied during 1996 to 2015 for examining the variation of monthly, every 10 years and every 30 years were analysed. The seasonal variation/trend analysis of climate during Rabi, Kharif 1 and Kharif 2 were studied. In addition to climatic factors, the socio-economic factors such as, age, level of education, farm size, family size, farming experience, family annual income, occupation, marital status, housing condition etc. of farmers were studied. The perception of the farmers about variability and change of climate during the last 20-30 years were analysed. The impact of climate variability and change on crop production, crop damage, changing land use pattern, landscape, and their overall consequences were studied. Interventions implemented by both Government Organizations (GOs) and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) as well as coping strategy followed for reducing the misery of climate change was studied. The change in the distribution of rainfall during different cropping seasons including temperature and other components of climate was also considered. This change has adverse effect on crop production and livelihoods of coastal people. Due to variability and climate change is causing disasters such as occurrence of cyclone, tidal flood, water logging, erosion of river bank, crop land, and homestead land etc. resulting intrusion of saline water in the crop land and other areas. The farmers are becoming resource-poor as a result of continuous effect of climate change. A good number of Government Organizations (GOs)and Non-Government Organizations(NGOs)are working with climate victims through intervention of various kinds and support services. The Government Organizations (GOs)especially Department of Agricultural Extension(DAE) are mostly found to work with transfer of technology and emphasizing the production of cereal crops while the Non-Government Organizations(NGOs)are concentrating on homestead gardening, awareness raising and capacity building of coastal farmers. In addition, farmers are combating against crop loss and losses of other resources due to climate change using their own coping strategies. Most of the production practices followed by the farmers are found to have relationship with factors of climate change. The inadequate provision of support services from various institutions and poor coordination among the stakeholders results in poor benefit out of the interventions. It is necessary to strengthen research activities for development of more saline resistant varieties, drought, flood etc. at the same time the extension service providers need to strengthen motivation campaign with the farmers. The opportunity for creation of Income Generating Activities (IGAs) by the Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) should explore alternative livelihood means for climate affected resource-poor coastal people. A good number of projects have been implemented by various Government Organizations (GOs) and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), for the agricultural development. However, absence or no integration among Government Organizations (GOs) and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) at micro level are not yielding benefit at expected level. Therefore, micro level platform should have linkage with the upper level platform which may foster continuous flow of information between all concerns. Finally, it has been depicted that more attention from Government is required to undertake long term programme approach for ensuring sustainable development of the coastal region in Bangladesh. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher ©University of Dhaka en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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