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Influence of Textile Waste Water Irrigation on Yield and Heavy Metal Uptake by Jute, Rice and Vegetable Crops

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dc.contributor.author Begum, Monoara
dc.date.accessioned 2021-11-18T05:29:24Z
dc.date.available 2021-11-18T05:29:24Z
dc.date.issued 2021-11-18
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.library.du.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/xmlui/handle/123456789/1796
dc.description This Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. en_US
dc.description.abstract The experiments were carried out to observe the effect of textile waste water on yield and heavy metal uptake by jute, rice and vegetable crops at field of Bangladesh Jute Research Institute, Central Station, Dhaka. For pot experiment soils were collected from Narayanganj and Gazipur districts. The irrigation waste water was also collected from Narayanganj and Gazipur textile industrial areas. Treatments were- T 1 – Control, T 2 - 100% RDF+ 0% TWW, T – 50% RDF + 25% TWW, T 4 – 50% RDF + 50% TWW, T 5 – 50% RDF + 75% TWW, T – 50% RDF + 100% TWW. And treatments for residual effects were - T 1 – Control, T - 100% RDF+ RE of 0%TWW, T 3 – 50% RDF + RE of 25%TWW, T 4 2 3 6 – 50% RDF + RE of 50% TWW, T – 50% RDF + RE of 75% TWW, T – 50% RDF + RE of 100% TWW. The objectives of the research work were: (1) To evaluate the characteristics of soil and water at different time and stages. (1) To study the effects of textile waste water on the growth and yield of crops. (2) To observe the effects of textile waste water irrigation on the properties of soil. (3) To determine macronutrient and heavy metal uptake by jute, rice and vegetable crops. (4) To observe the residual effects of textile waste water irrigation on soil and crop. (5) To make a suitable integrated dose for the cropping pattern. The high yielding jute variety Tossa (O -795) , T. Aman rice variety Binashail , newly developed BJRI deshi pat shak-1 variety, red amaranth variety Lolita were used in the experiments as test crops. The study showed that irrigation up to 50% textile waste water enhanced the different parameters of growth, yield of jute, rice and vegetables. The experiment also revealed that fresh water irrigation along with 100% RDF is better for the yield of jute, rice and vegetables as compared with textile waste water irrigation. Highest yield of jute, rice and vegetables were achieved with the T 6 . And among the different treatments of textile waste water irrigation T 4 2 gave the best yield, which was very close to the T and saved 50% chemical fertilizer. Form the findings the integrated treatments may be ranked as T 2 2 >T and T 2 >T 4 >T 5 >T 3 >T 6 >T for jute leaves (pat shak) yield in non contaminated soils of Narayanganj and Gazipur respectively, T 1 2 >T 4 >T 1 >T 5 >T 3 >T 6 and T 2 >T 4 >T 5 >T for jute leaves yield in contaminated soil of Narayanganj and Gazipur respectively, T 2 >T 4 >T 5 >T 6 >T 3 >T 1 for fiber yield of jute, T 2 >T 4 >T 5 >T 6 >T 3 >T for grain yield of rice, T 2 >T 4 >T 5 >T 6 >T 3 >T 1 and T 2 >T 4 >T 5 >T 6 >T 3 >T 1 1 for yield of jute leaves and red amaranth in field. The study showed that in both contaminated and non contaminated soils highest nutrient 1 4 >T >T 6 5 >T >T 3 5 3 >T 1 >T 6content N, P, S, Ca and Mg in leaves of jute leaves were found with T , and highest K content was found with T 4 and T 5 2 . In field trial jute leaves content highest N and Mg with T , highest P and Ca with T 4 , and K and S in T respectively. In rice grain highest N, K and S were found with T 2 , highest P, Ca and Mg with T 5 4 , T 5 , and T respectively. In leaves of jute leave (pat shak) highest N, P, S, Ca and Mg with T 2 , and K with T 6 . In leaves of red amaranth highest N, P, K, S, Ca and Mg were found with T 2 5 . The study revealed that heavy metal concentration in crops increased with the increasing of concentration of textile waste water. The highest concentration of Zn, Cu, Ni, Fe, Cd, Cr, Pb and Mn in all crops were found with T . The study indicated that nutrients, heavy metals and organic matter content of post harvest soil increased with the increasing level of the concentration of textile waste water irrigation up to 100%. In all post harvest soils the N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg , Zn, Cu, Ni, Fe, Cd, Cr, Pb, Mn and organic matter content were found maximum with T . Due to the residual effects of textile waste water irrigation highest yield were obtained with T 6 and nearest highest yield were obtain with T . In non contaminated soil of Narayanganj the highest N, S, Ca and Mg were found in the leaves of amaranth with T 6 , and highest P and K were observed in T 2 6 . In non contaminated soil of Gazipur in leaves of red amaranth highest N, P, K, S, Ca and Mg content were found in T . In contaminated soil of Narayanganj in leaves of red amaranth highest N, P, K, Ca were obtained with T 2 . But highest S and Mg were found in T 2 6 . In contaminated soil of Gazipur in leaves of red amaranth highest N, P, K, Ca and Mg were found with T 2 , but S found highest with T . The concentration of Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn in leaves of red amaranth were found highest in T 6 6 . In post harvest soil, highest organic matter content was found in T 6 , maximum content of N, P, S, K, Ca and Mg were found with T , and concentration of Zn, Cu, Ni, Fe, Cd, Cr, Pb and Mn were found maximum with T . Research revealed that irrigation of 50% textile waste water enhances the yield of crops and vegetables for providing nutrients in it. Therefore, in a country like Bangladesh where fresh water irrigation is scarce, 50% textile waste water should be recommended priority to be used in jute, rice and vegetables cultivation. Which will also minimize the cost of fertilize, improve soil fertility and give higher yield. The study revealed that 50% textile waste water may be an alternative source of irrigation water in Bangladesh to produce crops. The findings also created an evidence that textile waste water may not a problem, rather its utilization may be enhanced agrarian production in Bangladesh. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher ©University of Dhaka en_US
dc.title Influence of Textile Waste Water Irrigation on Yield and Heavy Metal Uptake by Jute, Rice and Vegetable Crops en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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