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Role of Electronic Media in the Development of Patriotism among theYoung Generation of Bangladesh : A Sociological Research

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dc.contributor.author Hashem, Md. Abul
dc.date.accessioned 2021-09-16T06:04:35Z
dc.date.available 2021-09-16T06:04:35Z
dc.date.issued 2021-09-16
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.library.du.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/xmlui/handle/123456789/1760
dc.description This thesis submitted for the award of the degree Master of Philosophy at the University of Dhaka. en_US
dc.description.abstract Young people spend more time with the mass media than they do in school or with their parents (Steele & Brown, 1995). The youth should not be ignored in the country’s development scheme plan. The media is also said to be an aggregation of all communication channels that use techniques of making a lot of direct personal communication between the communicator and the public. With advance improvement in the field of science and technology today, the media has become a crucial part in our modern society. The focus of the researcher in this Research is Role of Electronic Media in the Development of Patriotism among theYoung Generation of Bangladesh. Chapter One concentrates on the elaboration and suggestions on how to develope patriotic spirit in youth. The mass media, most especially television have gradually become a part of our daily lives, and sources of information, education and entertainment. The media are full of portrayals that glamorize risky adult behavior such as excessive drinking and sexual promiscuity. Chapter Two describes on Televison as an electronic medium has transformed the mass media and its main traditional functions of information, education and entertainment. There is no gainsaying that in the 20th and the 21st centuries. This part also demonstrates the development of television, role of television in national development, youth and media very briefly. Chapter Three discuss on Theories. Theoretical framework is designed by two theories 1. The Social Learning Theory and 2. The Cultivation theory. Social learning theory was propounded by Albert Bandura who was a psychologist at Stanford University. The theory suggests that much learning takes place through observing the behaviour of others (Anaeto, et al, 2008). Bandura (1986) says that “people learn behaviours, emotional reactions, and attitudes from role models whom they wish to emulate.”The Cultivation Theory was choosen to give backing to the social learning theory in this Research. In examining the relevance of this theory to the context of the Research, our concern is with the volume of exposure to entertainment TV by teenagers and their perception of what constitutes reality and the acceptable forms of social behaviour. Chapter four deals with methodology of the Research. This Research has been conducted with qualitative and quantitative methods. Questionnaire was made up in a mixed method (structured, open-ended and close-ended). The researcher used simple random sampling technique to select two Universities (Dhaka University and Jahangirnagar University) with various department. He further selected departments randomly. The researcher, therefore, went to the University and collected the list of 100 Level students in the eight selected departments that are between the age 18 and 22 years old, which became the sample frame. The total number was 200 and then 50 per cent of the total number was taken in order to get the sample size. Therefore, the sample size for the Research was 100 students. Chapter Five describe the findings of quantitative and qualitative analysis of data in a meaningful way. The result is presented in univariate, bivariate tables and analyses are shown in logistic regression. Necessary figure, graphs are also used to present the result of the Research. Findings have shown many interesting outcomes on youth where 42% watch television regularly and 58% don’t watch regularly. They have diversified on television program, patriotic programs and other issues. These findings can be concluded by saying that television programs have Multi-dimensional Impact, Good impact rather than bad impact, Positive and Negative, Social, cultural, Inspirational, Psychological Impact on youth. Chapter six conclude with recommendations for this Research and ending remarks. In the society nowadays, the media has become an essential need that everyone must have such as food and cloths where it is indeed true that media is playing an important role to play. From the Research it was observed that electronic media plays a significant role in shaping the social behaviour of teenagers and the Development of Patriotism among theYoung Generation of Bangladesh.As a result of the deluge of entertainment programmes they are exposed to. However, the influence of these programmes are insidious. They cannot be hindered from consuming these programmes, nevertheless, the following recommendations should be taken into consideration in order to minimize its negative influence on the teenagers social behaviour. Electronic Media should have some strategies to make youth inspired, motivated to work for the development of the country. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.title Role of Electronic Media in the Development of Patriotism among theYoung Generation of Bangladesh : A Sociological Research en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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