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The Role of Inter- Religious Empathy in Building Peace and National Integrity: The Bangladesh Perspective

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dc.contributor.author Akhter, Rahima
dc.date.accessioned 2021-04-04T05:49:09Z
dc.date.available 2021-04-04T05:49:09Z
dc.date.issued 2021-04-04
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.library.du.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/xmlui/handle/123456789/1710
dc.description Thesis submitted to the University of Dhaka for the degree of Master of Philosophy. en_US
dc.description.abstract To begin with, the current research proposes sympathy and empathy as important as the two sides of the same coin. The subject presented in this discourse is identified to be much related and they are really two sides of the same coin. Thus understood, this should be an ability of a human being to understand and share the feelings of others that actually works as the “golden rule of religion”. As per the findings of the research, it is worthwhile to mention that in order to promote human flourishing one should have sympathy and empathy for others. This is how human beings can increase their ability of fellow feelings with a view to improving the quality of life. Practically speaking, people cannot strengthen their moral and ethical footing of being called human beings unless they are empathetic toward others. Although sympathy and empathy are concerned with welfare for others empathy, in particular, is always vital than sympathy that is explained in different parts of this thesis. In short, empathy, however, is greater than compassion. From its functional point of view, empathy brings a change with heart and lets one feel to walk in the other’s shoes to experience the distress of others. As a result, a society full of love and kindness can be assured if each one feels the pains of others as their own. If we think about the matter from the positivist point of view, this is the highest form of religion i.e. the religion of humanity that all religions propagate. Moreover, this thesis examines the role of inter-religious empathy in building peace and national integrity giving special attention to Bangladesh's perspective. It has been found that inter-religious empathy is needed in building peace for national integrity in Bangladesh. It is a very effective way of combating terrorism and religious fanaticism. Empathy is needed in every aspect of society and everyone should admire and practice empathy with utmost importance. Although empathy is crucial for the peaceful living, research works on empathy are not sufficient. Few works have been done on ‘inter-religious dialogue’ but the basis of interfaith dialogue i.e., “empathy” still remains silent in those studies. This research work tends to suggest that empathy is the root concept of every religion. Thus, without the knowledge of a core concept of religion one cannot be a genuine human being. The world should come to the conclusion and feel the need of an inclusive society consisting of all irrespective of race, color, and religion. Pluralism and peaceful coexistence, thus, should be emphasized as the most important global issues. And first and foremost, greater importance has to be given to inter-religious dialogue in order to ensure understanding and peace among the different faiths. Notably, it has been explored in this research that a fruitful and productive inter-religious dialogue depends on ‘empathy’. In fact, empathy initiates inter-religious dialogue, because, without a genuine mind of empathy, as this research agrees, all these efforts on inter-religious dialogue are mere a series of talk-shows and may go in vain. Furthermore, through this research work, a humble attempt has been taken to discuss and explore the role and necessity of inter-religious empathy for an effective inter-religious dialogue and its role in building up national integrity. It has been assumed and thereby analyzed that the proper practice of empathy may translate the statement into a reality that “all human beings are equal”. Empathy influences the thinking process and nurtures one’s mind to think more deeply and positively. Empathy in inter-religious dialogue, thus, can ensure mutual understanding, accepting, and respecting the different faiths and practices so that people do not hamper one another’s faith. This world is a pluralistic world, and we have to live in this world with harmony. Harmony, as the child of sympathy, also denotes accepting the differences, respecting, and enjoying those differences. Being empathetic makes us a perfect human being because empathy reflects humanity. The world is trembling with the fear of the consequences of terrorism and desperately searching for solutions. Different catalysts work about terrorism and try to explain the psychology of terrorism; psychologists and social scientists have noticed that there has a violent mind behind terrorism. This study explores that lack of empathy has a large role in creating a terrorist mindset. It has been found that terrorists are most of the time brainwashed and they do not have any kind of concept of empathy in their minds. A motivation for terrorism includes a monolithic concept of the world which denotes that ‘others’ are ‘non-human’ or ‘sub-human’. This concept compels them (terrorists) to think that they are only superior and right and others are inferior and wrong. This tendency leads to extremism and terrorism. In examining the motivators behind terrorism, this study explains that a society and culture lack of empathy motivates and compels one to become a terrorist. Empathy is not an inborn quality; it is learned. Political and social factors can work as driving forces behind terrorism. A society needs a balanced political and social empathetic resource. For example; for a healthy upbringing, the basic needs of human beings must be ensured. A stable political and economic environment is a must for a healthy social atmosphere. If anyone born and lives in a society where he or she faces discrimination, inferiority complex on the basis of race, color, religion, economic background, and body structure, he or she is at great risk of involving in extremism and terrorism. Because, discrimination is the absence of empathy and this absence of empathy makes anyone more self-centric, and consequently it compels them to hate and kill the others. This research work concludes that inter-religious empathy can mitigate this problem on a large scale. Inter-religious empathy gives one the ability to think the other’s pain and this can prevent killing and hatred. Psychological and social motivators that worked for the rise of extremism can be eliminated through a sense of genuine empathy. Inter-religious empathy can be a solution for bringing back those victims who were being brainwashed and inspired to become terrorists. Through the teachings of inter-religious empathy, one can get back those lost fellow feelings and love for their brethren. Development and national integrity depend on the stability of a sovereign state. Not only by financial indicators but also a country’s development can be measured by its religious harmony and stability of peace in that particular country. By realizing inter-religious empathy in Bangladesh, the investigator seen that Bangladesh is a country of religious empathy. The people of Bangladesh have been peace-loving in nature and accepted a multi-religious and multi-cultural environment from the ancient period. The history suggests that from the beginning of the Pala Dynasty, there existed a peaceful, progressive pluralistic society consisting of different faiths, although the Sena Dynasty was aggressive and fanatic in nature. This is why people of this land rejected the Sena Dynasty. The history of religion in Bangladesh is one of the peaceful and harmonious histories of egalitarianism. After the liberation war of Bangladesh, Bangladesh has had adopted secularism in its Constitution as one of its four pillars. The term secularism introduced by founder of Bangladesh. It was different from the western idea of secularism. Bangladeshi concept of secularism ensures that all the religions are equally respected and grants equal rights for the believers of all religions. Through political upheavals, this country has witnessed many changes in its Constitution. National and international conspiracies are going on to turn Bangladesh into a country of extremism. But the people reject all the conspiracy. A matter of great concern is that Bangladesh is not safe from the ongoing global terrorism. Terrorism is a global problem and for geographic and geo-political status, Bangladesh is at great risk of being a safe haven for terrorism. To explore the role of inter-religious empathy in building peace and national integrity in Bangladesh, the researcher has conducted interview sessions with respondents from various disciplines. As the respondents opine, public awareness is a must for preventing religious hatred. Inter-religious dialogue and empathy should be practiced in the family also. The government should make it compulsory for the education curriculum. The education system needs to be reformed and teachings of inter-religious harmony and practical sessions for dialogue should be applied as a compulsory syllabus. Implementation of the law is a must for preventing terrorism. Political stability and democracy should be maintained. The role of religious leaders is very crucial in establishing inter-religious empathy as they can preach the message of harmony and empathy. Mass media can play a vital role in preventing hatred and can spread the notions of harmony and inter-religious empathy. Overall a systematic step is needed to develop inter-religious harmony and empathy with the support of all sections of people. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Dhaka en_US
dc.title The Role of Inter- Religious Empathy in Building Peace and National Integrity: The Bangladesh Perspective en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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