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Occurrence of Strongyloides stercoralis in rural areas adjacent to Dhaka city

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dc.contributor.author Fahria, Laila
dc.date.accessioned 2019-12-11T04:10:28Z
dc.date.available 2019-12-11T04:10:28Z
dc.date.issued 2019-12-11
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1558
dc.description This thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Philosophy in The University of Dhaka. en_US
dc.description.abstract Strongyloidiasis is one of the most important fo!!flS of helminthiasis in tropical countries. Infection with Strongyloides stercoralis is widely distributed throughout equatorial and temperate region. People remain infected years after the original exposure because this parasite has the ability to reinfect the same host; worms can multiply unchecked in immunosuppressed people, leading to life-threatening disseminated strongyloidiasis. The present study was conducted to fmd out the occurrence of Strongyloides stercoralis in two rural areas and street dwellers of Savar and Gazipur district which are adjacent to Dhaka city. A total of 160 stool samples were collected from the respondents of age range (00-60) years of both gender ( 53 male & 107 female) of the selected areas. In the present investigation the stool samples were collected from Savar and Gazipur district between December 2016 to December 2017 . Sampling was done by random selection method and the stool samples were examined through Direct smear method, Harada-Mori culture method and Formal-ether concentration method (highest prevalence 9.1 % and 10%). In Savar, a total of 100 stool samples of respondents were examined, of which 33 were male and 67 were female. In Gazipur, out of 60 stool samples of the respondents 20 were male and 40 were female. In Savar, the prevalence of male was 12.12% and female was 10.44 % and in Gazipur district, the prevalence of both male and female was 10%. The rate of prevalence of S. stercoralis in each male sample was statistically significant (p=O.06, p<0.05). In different age groups the highest prevalence rate (30% and 28.57%) was found in the age group of (5160) years and the lowest prevalence (0%) was in the age group of (11-20) years in both district. Out of 160 respondents total number of the service holders were 66, labors 17, housewives 33, students 11 and others 33 . The highest rate of infection was 27.27% and 33.33% in day labors and the lowest was found among service holders 4.87% and 4% in Savar and Gazipur respecti'fely. Between two types of houses prevalence was higher than in tin shed (11.53% and 12.90 %) in Savar and Gazipur district. The highest infection rate (12.06 % and 11.42%) was found in insanitary toilet users. Infection rate among supply water users and tube well water users were 13.43%, and 12.19% and 6.25 % , 3.38% in Savar and Gazipur respectively. In Savar, Out of 100 respondents the highest prevalence was found 16.66% in (15001-20000tk) monthly family income and the lowest prevalence was found 10.69 % in (5001-10000tk) monthly family income. Dliterate respondents showed the highest prevalence (15.2 % and 17.85 % ) respectively. The highest prevalence (18% and 16.66%) .. I was found in the participants of family members who suffered the diarrheal disease before three months . The respondents having irregular nail cutting habit showed the highest infection rate at (20.45% and 23.07%). Highest prevalence (12.06% and 11.42%) was found who did not use soap after defecation. Bare footed respondents showed infection rate at (12.76%, 14.28%) whereas (7.54% and 9.37%) who use shoe. Highest prevalence (13.46% and 15.62%) was observed in rainy season in Savar and Gazipur respectively. Other helminthic parasites detected in the stools of the respondents were Ascaris lumbricoides (37% and 38.33%) , Trichuris trichuira (15% and 16.66%), Enterobius vermicularis 15% in both study area. However, positive stool cultures showed significant associations with irregular nail trimming, walking bare-foot and irregular hand washing after defecation (p<0.05).The prevalence rate is also associated with occupation, poor sanitation, educational status and quality of drinking water. This study confirms the existence of Strongyloides stercoralis infection in the selected rural areas adjacent to Dhaka city . en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Dhaka en_US
dc.title Occurrence of Strongyloides stercoralis in rural areas adjacent to Dhaka city en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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