MPhil Thesis: Recent submissions

  • Akhter, Rokshana (University of Dhaka, 2019-01-30)
    Background: Conduct problems have become one of the major concerns in the recent times. If untreated, these symptoms could form into intractable psychopathology like Personality Disorder (PD). A recent surge in the number ...
  • Nazme Ara Begum, Most. (University of Dhaka, 2016-08-16)
    The objectives of the study were: 1. to explore the psychological factors leading to suicide attempts, 2. to explore Social Factors Leading to Suicide Attempts and 3. to understand the interplay of psychological and social ...
  • Hussain, Md. Amir (University of Dhaka, 2016-07-14)
    Homosexuality refers to sexual interaction between individuals of the same gender. Many researchers, psychologists, and scientists have neglected to focus attention on heterosexual relationship growth and development because ...
  • Nila, Farzana Sultana (University of Dhaka, 2016-06-16)
    The present study focused on mental health condition of women following break-up of romantic relationship where main objective was to understand their emotional experience after the incident. To conduct the study the ...
  • Begum, Kohinor (University of Dhaka, 2015-02-22)
    The present study was an attempt to assess the nature and frequency of behavior problems among students of Madrasa using the Bengali version of the Teacher’s Report Form (TRF, Begum 1993) of Child Behavior Check List (CBCL) ...
  • Bellah, S M Faysal (University of Dhaka, 2014-06-12)
    Prostate Cancer (PCa) has been the most common cancer in the world for several decades, and by 2008, there were an estimated 899,000 new cases representing 13.7% of the total. Nearly three-quarters i.e. 71.6% cases occur ...
  • Parveen, Zohora (University of Dhaka, 2014-06-15)
    There is a growing recognition that natural recovery or self propelled change without professional support is an important pathway to recovery from drug addiction. Natural recovery in substance dependence is largely an ...
  • Zannat, Naima (University of Dhaka, 2019-10-20)
    The present study was carried out to see the mental health problems among asthma patients. There were three objectives of the study. The first objective was to determine the common mental disorders among asthma patients ...
  • Rumi, Rubina Jahan (University of Dhaka, 2019-10-20)
    Although sufficient work on general warning signs of suicide has been conducted worldwide, the numbers of studies that focus on behavior immediate to suicide are very limited. Additionally, as culture is known to shape ...
  • Swampa, Mst. (University of Dhaka, 2019-10-20)
    The purpose of the study was to investigate burnout among caregivers of patients with chronic physical illness. In this study both quantitative and qualitative research methods were used and data was collected from ...
  • Mondol, Mita (University of Dhaka, 2019-10-17)
    Systematic practice of psychotherapy has been in Bangladesh for two decades. However, limited attention has been paid to study client’s perspective toward the service. The present study was aimed to understand client ...
  • Banu, Mukta Jahan (University of Dhaka, 2019-10-16)
    Substance use was considered to be primarily a male problem, and many substance abuse studies are conducted with a predominance of male participants. However, recent substance abuse research indicates several differences ...
  • Fatema, Kanij (University of Dhaka, 2019-10-16)
    The purpose of the present study was to understand mental health of women during antenatal period. The objectives of the study were: 1. to understand the cognitive, affective, and behavioral pattern of the pregnant ...
  • Parvin, Tahmina (University of Dhaka, 2019-10-16)
    The aim of the study was to develop a sexual satisfaction scale considering the culture and context of Bangladesh. Multi-phased process of scale development was followed which includes item construction, item selection ...
  • Akter, Farzana (University of Dhaka, 2019-10-13)
    This study aimed to examine the nature of traumatic events and psychiatric symptoms among women survivors of violence (WSV) in Bangladesh and more specifically to examine the association between specific traumatic ...
  • Ferdous, Rifat Sharmin (University of Dhaka, 2019-10-13)
    This qualitative research employed a grounded theory approach to explore the nature of psychological problems in people with disability. This study also explored the developmental process of these psychological problems. ...
  • Afroz, Umme Salma (University of Dhaka, 2019-10-10)
    Pain is one of the major health concerns among the people who seek medical support all over the world. When a patient comes with pain due to a treatable cause and it diminish after appropriate treatment within the ...
  • Akter, Shamima (University of Dhaka, 2019-10-10)
    Although sufficient work on parent-child relationship has been conducted worldwide, the number of studies that focus on parental behavior and perceived meaning are very limited. Additionally, as culture is known to ...

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