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Police Reform in Bangladesh: an Analysis of the Role of Selected Institutional Actors and Factors in its Implementation

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dc.contributor.author Chowdhury, Md. Moinur Rahman
dc.date.accessioned 2019-12-09T04:11:21Z
dc.date.available 2019-12-09T04:11:21Z
dc.date.issued 2019-03-24
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1480
dc.description This thesis submitted to the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. en_US
dc.description.abstract Reform of the police is an official attempt that aims to restructuring or reorganizing the existing structure and its mode of functioning in the law and order management of a state. Such reforms can be variously defined, designed and implemented. Moreover, diverse stakeholders are involved in the process. One may identify this phenomenon of reforms with numerous names, such as change, transformation, restructuring, re-engineering, renewal, adjustment and it must evolve to a new form and format through a planned, systematized and well-directed process. However, it leaves some crucial questions regarding the objectives, stakeholders, outputs and the process of the reform. Moreover, security matters to individuals. It also emerged as a vital concern for underdevelopment. Strong institutions are necessary to mitigate internal conflicts and help to build better lives for citizens. Reforms in the police ensure the safety and wellbeing of people. Hence, the participation of relevant actors in reform is critical to achieve human security for a state. There is only a very few qualitative empirical studies conducted on the topic that explains a direct correlation between actors’ active involvement and the success of police reform (SSR) initiatives in the context of Bangladesh. Therefore, a major knowledge gap exists in the current discourse of police reform. On this backdrop, this study aims to analyze the role of selected institutional actors and factors in the implementation of police reform in the context of Bangladesh. The objective is to identify different areas of police reform wherein interventions are to be made for the improvement of police efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability. Moreover, this thesis analyzes the issues and challenges of police reform in Bangladesh; and identifies the role of the key stakeholders in turning police into democratic practice. This thesis reviews and examines the role of selected institutional actors, factors and processes in the implementation of police reform in Bangladesh. The examination of selected factors assists us to identify the gaps and areas for further improvement. This thesis applies a mixed method approach that involves the collection or analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data. The data are collected concurrently or sequentially, are given a priority, and involve the integration of the data at one or more stages in the research process (Creswell, Plano-Clark, Gutmann & Hanson, 2002, p. 212). In-depth interviews and survey with semi-structured questionnaire are conducted to attain data along with the line of the major objectives and research questions of the thesis. Finally, the thesis argues that police reform is being increasingly accepted as an important element of conflict management. A police service supported by the community and skillful of arresting insecurity can have a far-reaching impact on enabling lasting economic, social and political development. Police reform also can complement and encourage other programming in the areas of security sector reform, rule of law and good governance. Efforts to reform the police and improve their service delivery face daunting political, financial, logistical and historical obstacles. Its complexity can be intimidating, touching on issues of management, leadership, political will, attitudes, established behaviors and negative public perceptions. This study also emphasizes on the issue of information asymmetry between the stakeholders of the reform, which requires more attention for a successful and sustainable reform in the long run. For the policymakers, this thesis will demonstrate the gap in contemporary scholarship, so that, the findings of this study could be used to recommend policy options on the constructive engagement of diverse actors in the police reform process to address the crucial intersection of human security and development of a nation. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Dhaka en_US
dc.title Police Reform in Bangladesh: an Analysis of the Role of Selected Institutional Actors and Factors in its Implementation en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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