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An analysis of human resource management system of enterprises of Bangladesh with special emphasis on employee training and development

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dc.contributor.author Jahan, Sabnam
dc.date.accessioned 2019-12-02T04:40:53Z
dc.date.available 2019-12-02T04:40:53Z
dc.date.issued 2015-05-07
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1414
dc.description This thesis submitted to university of Dhaka for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Management. en_US
dc.description.abstract A good number of research works have already been conducted on HRM system of various organizations but no clear solution has been found out to evaluate the effectiveness of HRM system. Though researchers and practitioners are quite curious about the field of HRM in Bangladesh, but they have limited access to the current status of HRM research due to nonexistence of any central database or any electronic warehouse. Enterprises of Bangladesh are increasingly giving importance on Human Resource Management as a strategic issue. Similarly there are very few studies found on training and development system which was conducted by a selected sector. But there is no clear analysis found on training and development system in most of the enterprises of Bangladesh. Employee training and development is a major sector of HRM practices. The present study is a little attempt to find out the selected sample organizations’ employee training and development practices as well as finding their barriers in this regard. Research showed that training and development has a positive co-relation between organization’s performances and productivity. But all the enterprises of Bangladesh are not so much serious about this issue. In order to get the answer to the research question as raised above, I would like to undertake a research study involving the selected enterprises of Bangladesh. The research described in this thesis aims to study human resource management systems of Bangladeshi enterprises and also specifically major emphasis has been put on employees’ training and development. The study is both descriptive and analytical. It begins with a discussion on the HRM System of Bangladeshi enterprises with major emphasis on employee training and development and ends with barriers and practices in employee training and development programs along with the probable solutions for it. The study was based on both primary and secondary data. There are different patterns of human resources management system in different organizations and in different countries. The researcher has tried to explain the different types of human resources management functions and also various patterns of employee training and development system. The study is limited to the human resource management and specially training and development of the listed companies of Dhaka Stock Exchange LTD. The study is limited to the sample size of 48 enterprises. The sampling has its own basis. The study, in general, is analytical and descriptive in character. Since the study is first of its kind, the result drawn from the study cannot be compared with any other similar research findings. This study strived to fill the gap by presenting a substantial number of research studies conducted so far in different aspects of HRM in context of Bangladesh. Various problems in employee training and development programs along with the solutions have been brought to lime-light to enable the planners and experts in the field for taking certain policy discussions to promote the employees in various enterprises. This study would benefit the researchers, practitioners, policy makers, students, and various stakeholders by offering the status of research on HRM practices and especially employee training and development in Bangladesh. This study would definitely augment the current research and practice of HRM in developing countries by showing the contemporary scenario of HRM in Bangladesh. In Bangladesh, the researcher observed that the pattern of human resource management system is different in different enterprises. So, that their system of employee training and development system is also different. That is why, the study is undertaken to analyze employee training and development system of Bangladeshi enterprises. The study is conducted to identify HR system of different enterprises of Bangladesh and also how they operate various HR functions. Moreover, the study conducted to get answer of the researcher’s questions that what system the enterprises follow to discharge their HR functions. Finally, the researcher had done an in depth study on training and development which is a vital function of human resource management. Lastly, another reason of this study was to identify the lacuna in HRM system of Bangladeshi enterprises and suggest a sound and useful HR system for better performances of the enterprises. Therefore, the researcher believes that objectives of this study have been identified by the findings and suggestions of the study. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Dhaka en_US
dc.title An analysis of human resource management system of enterprises of Bangladesh with special emphasis on employee training and development en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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