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The study was conducted in Nakla Upazila of Sherpur zila, to see the prevailing land use system and potential production capacity of the land resources with an aim to estimate human carrying capacity of the area and to facilitate the formulation of development strategies for the area. Land and soil properties of the area were extracted from the Land and Soil Resource Utilization Guide of Bangladesh. Crop suitability analyses of the soil groups for socially acceptable crops were conducted using Limiting Condition Principle of FAO. Extents of suitable area for suitable crops were calculated from spatial information of Soil and Landform Map of the area. Income from each crops were calculated using field data and data form Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics. Income, yield, hydrology, crop season and growing period of crops were matched to develop a cropping pattern for highest possible income. Income from livestock, poultry, fishery and labour were calculated using field and BBS data. Standard income and expenditure requirement for the study area were calculated using government estimated income and expenditure data from Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics data and National Nutrition Survey data. The study indicates that the present population of the area is above the HCC in respect to present income. It has also been found that a remarkable achievement is possible in terms of income through suitable crop selection, recommended fertilizer application and proper crop and soil management resulting an increase in HCC. But if population continues to grow with its present rate it will soon exceed the potential HCC. If population increase with its present rate it will drive the HCC in a venerable stage.To avoid these situation farmers can select high income generating cropping patterns, follow the recommended fertilizer application and crop management practices. Initiative should be taken to develop alternative income generating activities and opportunities such as agrobased industries, small and cottage industries as well as control of population growth. It can be concluded that crop suitability as well as potential income generating capacity of soils can be good indicators of human carrying capacity inany agro-ecosystem. |
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