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Impact of poultry litter on soil properties and production of jute

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dc.contributor.author Nasimul Gani, Md.
dc.date.accessioned 2019-11-27T06:09:39Z
dc.date.available 2019-11-27T06:09:39Z
dc.date.issued 2015-05-11
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1317
dc.description This dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy department of Soil, Water and Environment. en_US
dc.description.abstract Experiments were carried out at Manikganj and Kishoreganj during the year 2004-05 to 2007-08 under Sonatala and Silmondi soil series of Bangladesh. The soils of the Manikganj experimental field represents the Non Calcareous Grey Flood Plain Soil(General Soil Type) which belong to the Agro Ecological Zone No.8 (Young Bramahputtra and Jamuna Floodplain) and the soils of Kishoreganj field was Dark Gray Floodplain soils (General Soil Type) under Agro Ecological Zone No.9 (Old Bramahputtra Floodplain). The treatments were T1-Control (Without fertilizer), T2-RDF N 25% from poultry litter(PL),T3-RDF N 25% from PL + 75% RDF,T4-RDF N 50% from PL,T5-RDF N 50% from PL+50% RDF, T6- RDF N 75% from PL, T7- RDF N 75% from PL +25% RDF,T8-RDF N 100 % from PL, T9- RDF N 100 % from PL +100% RDF and T10-Sole RDF(Recommended dose of inorganic fertilizer N90-P10-K30-S20 Kg-ha respectively). The objectives of the research work were: (1) to study the effect of poultry litter on the growth and yield of jute. (2) to study the effect of poultry litter on soil properties (physical, chemical and biological) (3) to study the effect of poultry litter on the reduction of chemical fertilizer for jute cultivation.(4) to study the integrated effect of poultry litter and inorganic fertilizer on fibre quality and (5) to make an integrated fertilizer recommendation for jute crop. The high yielding jute (Corchorus olitorius L.) variety Falgoony Tossa (O-9897) developed by Bangladesh Jute Research Institute was used in the experiment as test crop. Application of poultry litter enhanced the different parameters of growth, yield of jute, soil chemical, physical, biological status and quality of fibre. Observations of the study show that integrated use of poultry litter and chemical fertilizer is better than either sole application of poultry litter or chemical fertilizer. The tallest plant, highest base diameter, yield of fibre and stick, were found for T5 both at Manikganj and Kishoreganj. In producing the highest yield, the treatment T5 also saved 50% N of chemical fertilizer that was supplemented from poultry litter. Highest cost benefit ratio was also obtained with T5. Post harvest soil properties such as chemical, physical and biological status were also influenced by integrated treatments. In Manikganj site maximum amount of OM and N were found with T5. Amount of S and Zn with T7 but P for T9. Lowest bulk density, highest particle density and pore space were obtained with T7. Maximum water retentive characteristics were found with T9 at Manikganj. At Kishoreganj site, highest amount of OM, N, K, S and Zn were obtained with T7 and P with T4. Highest particle density, maximum water retentive characteristics and reduced bulk density were found with T7. Highest pore space was recorded with T9 at Kishoreganj. Bacterial population was also found to be the highest with T7 both at Manikganj and Kishoreganj site. Fibre quality viz. lusture, fineness and bundle strength of fibre were also improved by the integrated treatments. Maximum lusture and finest fibre were obtained with T5 and bundle strength with T7 at Manikganj. In Kishoreganj the finest fibre was found with T5. Highest lusture and bundle strength were found for T7. Although the sole application of poultry litter enhanced growth, yield of jute and soil properties of different parameters over the control. Yet it could not cross the achievement observed for the integrated treatments. Study indicates that the combined use of poultry litter and chemical fertilizer in jute is better for growth, yield and improvement of soil fertility to the context of Bangladesh. Study further showed that accumulation of heavy metal and toxic element in soil was very low (below allowable limit) due to four years application of poultry litter. An evidence is created by the study that application of poultry litter is beneficial for jute cultivation without any adverse affect. The integrated treatments may be ranked as T5 > T7 > T3 > T9 on the basis of performance on jute yield. Study suggested to use the integrated treatment T5 (RDF N 50% from PL+ 50% RDF (2.38 t PL/ ha + 50% inorganic fertilizer) and T7 (RDF N 75% from PL + 25% RDF (3.57 t PL/ ha + 25% inorganic fertilizer) in jute cultivation as the treatments are effective in all the studied parameter in accordance to the objectives. It is concluded that, mixing poultry litter with chemical fertilizer not only enhances the yield of jute crop, quality of fibre and soil fertility it can also minimize the cost of fertilizer. Study reveals that poultry litter may be an alternative source of organic matter in Bangladesh to produce crops. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Dhaka en_US
dc.title Impact of poultry litter on soil properties and production of jute en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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