The of feel of iilumiiiiiimon atnniDnificalion and nilriHcalion was slucliod in a series of incubalionsof peal with ;uk1 williout added (Nll,)jSO,. Addition of AlCI, (0, 200, 4(X), 600 jig A! « ') caused a iionsigniricaiii incrciise in NH, N up to 25 days of incubation in ilic absence of (NI i,)jSO,;md tlie release followed by iminobilizaiion of N in tiie piesence of applied (NH^)jSO^. Similarly a significani cbangc in nitrification occurrcd after 25 days of incubation ;uid was found to be a function of NI I^-N concentration. Aluminium u|)to 2TO ug g ' i)eat apjieared to stimulate nitrate production but tJie successive increments resulted in partial suppression (5 14%) of nitiilication. Greatest inhibition (14%) was caused by the highest level of aluminium. Results showed that addal AlCl^ had no significant toxic effect on ammonification, Change in pM at 60 days of incubation was controlled but did not chatige significantly.