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Study of the cosmological model

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dc.contributor.author Abdul Alim Miah, Md.
dc.date.accessioned 2019-11-24T05:01:35Z
dc.date.available 2019-11-24T05:01:35Z
dc.date.issued 2017-10-19
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1173
dc.description This thesis submitted to the department of Mathematics, University of Dhaka in partial fulfilment of the requirements for MPhil degree. en_US
dc.description.abstract The thesis consists of ten chapters. In this thesis chapter one, chapter two, chapter three, chapter four, chapter five, chapter six, chapter seven, chapter nine, chapter ten are expository and the chapter eight is our contribution. In chapter one, we have presented Historical Cosmology, Rotating Galaxies, Inertial Frames and the Cosmological Principal, Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy and the Cosmic Scale. In chapter two, we have established Classical Tests of General Relativity, Black Holes, Falling into a Black Hole and Hawking Radiation. In chapter three, we have presented Old and New Inflation, Chaotic Inflation and the Inflation as Quintessence. In chapter four, we have established the Standard Hot Big Bang Model, CMB and the Surface of Last Scattering and the COBE Satellite. In chapter five, we have established Schwarzschild Solution, Removing the Singularity of Schwarzschild Solution and here we also have discussed Crucial Tests in Relativity such as the Advance of Perihelion of the Mercury Planet, Gravitational Deflection of Light Rays and Shift in Spectral Lines. In chapter six, we have presented Equivalence of Mass and Energy, Maxwell’s equations and Energy Momentum Tensor Tµυ and its Physical Significance. In chapter seven, we have presented Robertson-Walker Metric and Calculating R00, R11, R22, R33 from Robertson-Walker Line Element and we have established Friedmann Model from Robertson-Walker Line Element such as Flat Model, Closed Model and Open Model. Here, we also have presented Einstein’s Line Element-its properties, de-Sitter’s Line Element-its properties and Similarity and Difference between Einstein and de-Sitter’s Line Element. In section 8.1 of chapter eight, we have presented Huge Viscous Bianchi Type-1 Cosmological Model for Barotropic Fluid and Decaying  with Time and here we have observed the volume expansion , the Hubble’s parameter H, the pressure p, the deceleration parameter q, the matter energy density  and the cosmological parameter  on evolution of the universe at large time. In this chapter in section 8.2, we have presented Bianchi Type-1 Cosmological Model for Fluid Distribution and Expanding Universe and here we have observed the volume expansion , the Hubble’s Parameter H, the pressure p, the deceleration parameter q and the matter energy density  on evolution of the universe at large time. In this chapter in section 8.3, we have presented Phenomenology and Accelerating Universe with Time Variable  and here we have observed the parameter , the decelerating parameter q, the pressure p, the matter energy density  and the cosmological parameter  on the phenomenological evolution of the universe at large time. This is our contributory chapter. In chapter nine, we have established the Conception of Albert Einstein about Hubble’s Cosmology, the Conception of Stephen Hawking about Hubble’s Cosmology, Hubble’s Law, Hubble’s Time and Radius, Hubble’s Constant and the Changing Views of Hubble about Cosmology. In chapter ten, we have discussed First Frame, Second Frame, Third Frame, Fourth Frame, Fifth Frame and Sixth Frame of the Early Universe. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Dhaka en_US
dc.title Study of the cosmological model en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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