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Microbiological assessment of Tenualosailisha in different preservation treatments

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dc.contributor.author Haque, Md. Hashibul
dc.date.accessioned 2019-11-11T03:59:23Z
dc.date.available 2019-11-11T03:59:23Z
dc.date.issued 2017-01-19
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1028
dc.description This dissertation submitted to the department of Fisheries, University of Dhaka for the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Fisheries. en_US
dc.description.abstract The present study was conducted for comparative preservation assessment ofTenualosailisha by using olive oil to observe their microbial load before and after preservation. For microbiological assessment this species of fish was selected because of it high demand in export market and popularity in our country. This study was conducted because the microbiological status of this fish could be a major public health issue.Fish samples was collected from local fish market. The present study was designed to assess Standard Plate Counts (SPC), Total Coliform Counts (TCC) and qualitative analysis of Salmonella spp. and Vibrio cholerae and to preserve the fish in the olive oil to observe whether it is suitable or not. To carry out this study three treatments were used to observe which on show less microbial contamination after preservation with olive oil. The study was conducted by using four media EMB, TCBS, SS and PYG for enumerating total coliform ,vibriospp, salmonella and total heterotrophic bacteria respectively. The study also conducted with three preservative treatment: cloves, turmeric and boiled fish sample with olive oil. Again this study was conducted with two subsequent sub-samples with 15 days interval to observe the microbial load. From this observation it was found that in the treatment 1(boiled fish and olive oil) highest coliform bacteria was found in (6.1×105 cfu/g) and lowest coliformbacteria was found in (5×104cfu/g).The highest vibrio spp. bacteria was found in (1.23×105cfu/g) and lowest Vibrio spp. bacteria was found in (5.26×104cfu/g).In the experiment highest Salmonella bacteria was found in (1.9×105 cfu/g) and lowest Salmonella bacteria was found in (1.54×104cfu/g).And the highest heterotrophic bacteria was found in (9.25×105cfu/g) and lowest heterotrophicbacteria was found in (4.0×103cfu/g).In the treatment 2 (turmeric with olive oil) highest coliform bacteria was found in (1.8×105 cfu/g) and lowest coliform bacteria was found in (2.08×104Cfu/g). The highest Vibrio spp. bacteria was found in (1.7×104cfu/g) and lowest Vibrio spp bacteria was found in (3.8×103cfu/g). In the experiment highest Salmonella bacteria was found in (7×104 cfu/g) and lowest Salmonella bacteria was found in (1.1×104cfu/g). And the highest heterotrophic bacteria was found in (1.5×105cfu/g) and lowest heterotrophicbacteria was found in (2.7×104cfu/g). And In the treatment 3 highest coliformbacteria was found in (2×105 cfu/g) and lowest coliformbacteria was found in (8.1×103cfu/g).The highest Vibrio spp. bacteria was found in (1.2×105 cfu/g) and lowest Vibrio spp.bacteria was found in (5.3×103cfu/g). In the experiment highest Salmonella bacteria was found in (2.2×105 cfu/g) and lowest Salmonella bacteria was found in (5.0×103cfu/g). And the highest heterotrophic bacteria was found in (1.2×105 cfu/g) and lowest heterotrophicbacteria was found in (1.62×104 cfu/g). In the 2nd observation, it was found that the highest coliform bacteria was found in (1×106 Cfu/g) and lowest coliformbacteria was found in (4.1×104cfu/g) the treatment 1. The highest Vibrio spp. bacteria was found in (1.6×105 cfu/g) and lowest Vibrio spp bacteria was found in (1.61×103cfu/g).In the experiment highest Salmonella bacteria was found in (2.3×105 cfu/g) and lowest Salmonella bacteria was found in (1.5×103cfu/g).And the highest heterotrophic bacteria was found in (2.8×105 cfu/g) and lowest heterotrophic bacteria was found in (2.82×104 cfu/g). In the 2nd observation, it was found that the highest coliform bacteria was found in (3×104 cfu/g) and lowest coliform bacteria was found in (3.3×103cfu/g).the treatment 2.The highest Vibrio spp. bacteria was found in (2×105 cfu/g) and lowest Vibrio spp. bacteria was found in (8.7×103cfu/g).In the experiment highest Salmonella bacteria was found in (4.0×104 cfu/g) and lowest Salmonella bacteria was found in (1.1×103cfu/g).And the highest heterotrophic bacteria was found in (2.0×104 cfu/g) and lowest heterotrophic bacteria was found in (1.08×104 cfu/g). In the 2nd observation, it was found that the highest coliform bacteria was found in (1.3×105 cfu/g) and lowest coliform bacteria was found in (8.5×105cfu/g).the treatment 3. The highest Vibrio spp. bacteria was found in (1.3×105 cfu/g) and lowest Vibrio spp.bacteria was found in (5.7×103cfu/g).In the experiment highest Salmonella bacteria was found in (2.5×105 cfu/g) and lowest Salmonella bacteria was found in (6×103cfu/g).And the highest heterotrophic bacteria was found in (1.4×104 cfu/g) and lowest heterotrophic bacteria was found in (1.68×104 cfu/g). This study revealed that Preservation with Turmeric and Olive oil shows better results than preservation with Cloves and boil fish with Olive oil. The findings of this study indicate that the fish samples preserve Turmeric with Olive oil could be a good preservative in respect of short term preservation. Although this practice is not applied in our country so further research should be needed in this field. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Dhaka en_US
dc.title Microbiological assessment of Tenualosailisha in different preservation treatments en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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