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Proximate composition, marketing channel and socio economic condition of harvesters of freshwater mud eel (monopterus cuchia, hamilton, 1822) collected from some selected northern district of Bangladesh

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dc.contributor.author Islam, Md. Tamim
dc.date.accessioned 2019-11-06T09:43:00Z
dc.date.available 2019-11-06T09:43:00Z
dc.date.issued 2017-01-18
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1024
dc.description This thesis submitted on the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (MS) in Fisheries en_US
dc.description.abstract The mean moisture content of male and female freshwater mud eel of the experiment was 77.59 % and 79.45 % respectively. The mean protein content of male and female mud eel of the experiment was 17.48% and 17.18 %respectively. Mean ash content for male was 2.74 % and female was 3.12 % and mean lipid content for male was 1.02 % and female was .80 %.the composition of the muscle differed between the sexes. Freshwater mud eel are exported in live condition from Bangladesh. A small processing zone has been created in Uttara, Dhaka by mud eel exporter. To find out processing techniques of export oriented mud ell followed at different marketing level. The present study has been undertaken to create a better understanding of the current marketing activities and exported processing for Mud eel and to review the socio-economic condition of Mud eel harvesters. The study area was Bogra, Rangpur and Dinajpur district. The data were collected over three months from November, 2015 to January, 2016 using well-structured questionnaire from the selected area. Data were collected from randomly selected 50 freshwater Mud eel harvesters. The socio-economic condition of mud eel harvesters were belonging to the age groups of 26-30 years old (30%) in study area, majority bring out by tribal Hindus (72%). Most of the harvesters are married (88%). About 70% rests of the fishermen were in joint family. In the study area 46% family members were 2-3 persons. Educational status of the selected area was very poor, can sign only 32% and 30% have no education. Housing and sanitation facilities were not well. 90% harvesters have kacha house and 40% harvesters had kacha sanitation system. 36% respondent harvesters were used electricity while NGO have given solar plant 26% to some tribal harvesters. About 80% harvesters were dependent on village doctor and 74% harvesters most are tribal people used freshwater mud eel fish for medicinal purpose. 32% respondent harvesters had telivision as recreation, majority of harvesters (66%) caught mud eel by hand. Freshwater mud eel harvesters are got payment from collector by hand by hand and daily. About 50% of the harvesters had monthly income between BDT 9000-12000. 48% of the harvesters received loan from NGO’s, No training received from any NGO. 56% harvesters were satisfied from freshwater mud eel harvested. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher en_US
dc.title Proximate composition, marketing channel and socio economic condition of harvesters of freshwater mud eel (monopterus cuchia, hamilton, 1822) collected from some selected northern district of Bangladesh en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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